Hi Folks Good Day,
This week special is "Slow Talking".
All maintained slow talking till last minute of the call, we saw people stammering very less and even zero :)
Though it is hard to maintain the slow talking but we helped each other to point out whenever we went fast :) This is where SHG gains its importance, Together We Step Up :) Together We Succeed :)
Skype Self Help Group News:
Total Participants: 11
New Participants: 3
1. Self Introduction
2. Slow reading of tongue-twisters
3. Story Telling seeing a pic
4. Group discussion on how skype calls helped so far for individuals.
The below are people who attended the call..
1. Kormuz
2. Ahmed
3. Amithap (New)
4. Prakash
5. Himanshu
6. Sairam
7. Sridhran (New)
8. Gaurav
9. Chitra (New)
10. Karthik
11. Rajesh
I would personally recommend skype calls for getting confidence in your speech as i personally gained too much from this and gaining a lot everyday.
Note: People who wanted to join us in skype calls everyday between 9:00 PM IST to 11:00 PM IST can add anyone form below ids in skype
To meet people near your city update details in IndianPWS database, you can even form an SHG(self help group) in your city if it is not having one.please click below link for more information.
Together We Step Up :) Together We Succeed :)
With Regards,
Rajesh V.
Three new "clients"!
Yes Rajesh, consistency, hard word and good intentions always pay!
@Sachin ji, @JP-- everyday we add people and we grow population so that one day non-PWS style of talking becomes minority making PWS style of talking as accepted by all :) and thus making non-PWS as feel that their style of talking is strange from the then accepted PWS style of talking :)
I guess people who are reading this comment got confused but i didn't get confused ;) read it again. I simply said"
Stammering is just another of speaking:) its not a disorder nor dis-fluent.It is just used by few people who live on earth as humans to communicate and we(PWS) also try to implement the other people's style of talking to communicate with Non-PWS:)"
With Regards
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