The Indian Stammering Association
Celebration of our diversity! Better attitudes through knowledge! A community dedicated to self-help.
October 6, 2022
October 15, 2021
Stammering self, non stammering self and the Self
Upanishads say that he who says he knows, knows not and he who says he doesn't know knows something. The meaning is that the reality cannot be grasped by the senses and if somebody says that he doesn't know it, he at least has come to a state in which he has understood the limitations of the senses. This takes him on a journey of self discovery in which he goes to his core.
He negates all the manifested things through the process of 'neti neti' ( not this, not this) and ultimately reaches the pure consciousness which is the ever existing reality. Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi said that we should abide in that Self and that was jnana. In that state only the Self exists.
Isavasyopanishad says he who sees himself in others and others in him has no sorrow, worry or trouble. He sees only the Self. There is nothing other than the self.
I had a discussion with Dr. Sachin recently. I knew that he also read Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi a lot and slowly the discussion went into the Bhagavan and Indian philosophy. When it came to the point of abiding in the Self, he told initially he was not sure whether to abide in the stammering self or his non stammering self. Later on he realised that the Self was beyond all these.
When we came to the point of discussing the concept of 'he who says he knows, knows not', he told if a person says he is a stammerer he is wrong; if he says he is a non stammerer, again he is wrong. He is beyond all these.
Yes we are beyond all these concepts. The real recovery from stammering happens when we understand this reality. It doesn't happen through any technique. All the techniques like bouncing, prolongation etc should be discarded at one point; to borrow the words of the Maharshi once again, like the stick used for stirring the fire getting burnt in the end.
As Sri M, the great yogi of our time, says in his talks and in his writings, one of the sparks for anybody to go along the path of Self discovery is depression or sorrow. This is corroborated by the fact that the first chapter of Bhagavat Gita is known as Arjuna Vishada Yoga.
So let's consider the stammering as the necessary spark for us to go on the path of Self discovery and achieve the real recovery. In that state where only the Self exists, is there anything called stammering self or non stammering self?
July 29, 2021
Appreciation letter
Every year a few staff members of BSNL Shimla get appreciated for their work..I had not achieved this distinction in the first 14 years of my job.. Finally got it this year.. Happy to share :)
June 11, 2021
Blah Blah
I overheard this interesting conversation between a Communication expert and a young B.Tech student, who I think, stammered but communicated quite well:
Student: What is it that happens to me sometime? and why?
Expert: You mean "stammering"? You see some genes cause speech center in our brain to develop in such a peculiar way that...
Student: You mean my father, who also talks like me- gave me his genes to me and not to my brother?
Expert: Well, your father did not do it on purpose but the way genes get distributed, sometime ..
Student: So, you mean to say that it is a genetic disease?
Expert: No, no, no- you see, genes are not important- but when you speak in a particular way over the years, you develop a manner..
Student: You mean it is a habit?
Expert: No, no- try and understand: when people react when you stumble, it makes you develop a mindset..
Student: You mean it is a mental health issue?
Expert: Of course not. And remember : it is only the "crazy" people who change the world (-the expert made an air quote gesture stylishly -).. But that is not the point. It is the society which cheers when Marlon Brando speaks with a horrible accent but ridicules Porky the pig, when he stutters! Why does society reacts differently?
Student: So, you mean society is at fault for my stammering. The society has stigmatised a normal variation in speech behaviour. It is a social evil, can we say then?
Expert: No, no- dont go that far. Society can say anything. They can say that our politicians are corrupt but who cares? But when they say- go get your stammering fixed then we will give you a job.. Now, that is a different matter. Isn't it?
Student: You mean to say, there is politics involved here? People ganging up on one poor stammerer in the play ground? and in the interview? Should we make a political party, burn some tyres and block some highways?
Expert: Please dont talk of burning things here. I am an asthmatic. I get my wheezing attacks when they burn the rubble on the other side of the moon. In the first place, why are you so interested in stammering? You are talking fine.. Are you concerned about your father? Is that the reason? In that case you better send him.
The student looked confused and finally went away. I kept wondering: do I also talk like that expert sometimes? doing exactly opposite of communication?
Anyway, I had a good laugh afterwards about the whole conversation and understood why communication is more important than just talking in English!
August 18, 2019
Let's Talk About Stammering

August 14, 2019
हाँ ,मैं हकलाता हूँ
June 25, 2019
Bundle of joy
I have observed steady shift of personal goals and ambitions since her birth. There is a feeling of belonging, a feeling of self-assurance.. It seems that I have reached my destination, my goal of life.. My stammering has taken back-seat, her care and well-being are of utmost priority as of now. My focus has shifted from I, me and myself to her. It seems God teaches us love, care and selflessness by letting us take care of our child. She is indeed a bundle of joy.
April 16, 2019
राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन 2019 l भोपाल l 27, 28, 29 सितम्बर l पंजीयन प्रारंभ l
अमित 9300939758
April 9, 2019
मेरी पहली ध्यान केन्द्रित कार्यशाला
मो. 7275939750
March 25, 2019
Report on Chandigarh Communication Workshop held on 2-3 March 2019
A Day Before...

DAY 1...
In the Beginning, we were shown a video on acceptance by TISA founder Dr. Sachin Shrivastav and National Coordinator Mr. Harish overviewing its importance in dealing with stammering and congratulating all participants and organizers.
Icebreaking session...
The icebreaking session was organized just after breakfast and we all knew each other by name within an hour while performing different interesting activities. Importance of listening in good communication was also explained to participants via icebreaking activity.
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Practicing Pausing Technique after eating Chocolate |
Techniques such as Bouncing, Prolongation, voluntary stuttering, and pausing were explained to participants.
In addition, JUSTDIAL activity was done. We were told to call them and talk with voluntary stuttering. The purpose was to explain that the person in front of us is more interested in the content of speech rather than the manner of speaking.
After that, we all gathered in front of the building and told shopkeepers and bystanders that we are stammerers and there is nothing to be ashamed of in it. With this activity, individual have overcome the fear of public speaking. It was the first time for some people who have spoken boldly in open and do some practice of acceptance.
Now after that, we were divided into teams and given instruction to go to different places such as Punjab University (PU), Sukhna Lake etc for stranger talk and know their perspective about stammering.
This activity was done to better accept ourselves as stammerers and get rid of the psychological burden which we stammerers have accumulated after years of stammering and feeling of guilt.
The aim was to get the people out of their comfort zone and start speaking with stammering from today.

Participants helped each other with techniques and pledged to use these techniques in real life situations.
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In the afternoon with some more discussions done and after that everybody enjoys dance on Punjabi beats. For the next activity participants were called to showcase their special talents. We were amazed to see so many talents such as mimicry artist, folk dancers, theater artist & singers among us, additionally an individual group skit is performed.
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Sheet 1 Goal Setting |
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Sheet 2 Goal Setting |
So, let me conclude by thanking all of you for your time and valuable insights.
Thank you so much for joining us and participating in this workshop and for bringing your expertise and experience around the table and engaging in such fruitful, constructive and open exchanges throughout the two days.
We look forward to welcoming you again in Chandigarh
We have a Regular Self Help Group Meetings Organised on every Sunday for 1:30 hours at Punjab University Student center Chandigarh. For more Info Contact me on Mobile No. #9988990330 Jasmeet Singh
March 24, 2019
Invent Role: Create Opportunities
Many of us, after desensitization and having learned a few techniques, often wonder: What next? Where do I go and practice my new communication skills? Many pws keep waiting for the “right opportunity”. Some, smart ones, create these opportunities by inventing a social role for themselves.

January 8, 2019
Fear, Adventure, Performance, Prep, Joy...
OK, back to Delhi. Kundan who works in Delhi Metro had gifted me a smart card sometime back. Yes, the two things I was dreading that day, were- riding metro and calling an Ola cab! Yes, yes, I know these are the signs of old age when you set your ambitions that low..
Any way, I phoned Kundan. He assured me that that smart card is still valid. He sent me a metro map. I walked from Ginger Hotel to nearby New Delhi station metro. There was a huge crowd. I took an auto to Rajiv Chowk and entered the quiet metro station there. My card worked like a charm. I boarded a metro for Noida. Few minutes later I was calm and thoroughly enjoying my experience like Cindrella in the palace..
Then, I got off at the last Noida station, called an ola cab on my phone and began scanning the crowded traffic like Agent Bourne, expecting machine gun fire from any of the moving cars swishing around him.. After couple of phone calls, we connected and I boarded the cab. As I entered, my name was announced and I was welcomed.. !
In a nutshell, everything went well and my little sense of anxiety began to be replaced by a warm glow of "Oh, I have done it- and done it right!". I had done all this in the past too. But then, I forgot these skills due to non-use over years. Learning and relearning is dependent on couple of things: How do we interact with initial emotional discomfort and how we anchor the entire learning process into positive emotions- sense of joy, achievement etc. The last makes for deep memory.
Finally, if we have a little sense of adventure, it helps- like jumping in a pool or venturing out in the rain without umbrella. This sense of adventure can be cultivated.. This is what TISA NCs are all about: a big adventure! Those who land up there, even accidentally, discover that they always were very social deep inside. Communication is just one small part of being social. When you are social, you automatically become good communicator.
So, look at the big picture. Dont get lost in the details. And get ready for the next Kumbh (NC)...
May 2019 bring you lots of adventure and travel!
November 22, 2018
Acceptance - Five years review
Thanks to TISA and concept of ACCEPTANCE- which is a lifetime work-in-progress.
October 11, 2018
"डर से मत डर"
हुआ कुछ ऐसे की मेरी भैया की 2 महीने बाद शादी है और आज उनके ससुर का जन्मदिन है। भैया ने फ़ोन पर उन्हें बधाई दी और जब वो फ़ोन पर बात कर रहे थे तभी मैं सोच रहा था कही उन्होंने मुझसे बात करने के लिए बोल दिया तो मैं क्या बात करूंगा। एक अजीब सा डर लगा। लेकिन फिर ख्याल आया - रवि तू क्यों डर रहा है? "डर से मत डर" और एक वीडियो जो थोड़े दिनों पहले मैंने देखा था उसके बोल याद आ गए। मैंने उनसे बात की और काफी देर तक बात की। सच बताऊ तो मज़ा आया😊😊
"डर का खेल, निडर हो के खेल"