November 30, 2014

K...K....Kaaan....Kanpur SHG Meet.

Today I and Abhay did "Bounce while Walk" activity in which we walked across the park and we were bouncing while talking slightly louder intentionally and when people would look at us ....we would simply smile . We also did the GD activity. Then we did voluntary stammering with the strangers and vendors outside the park.


Satyendra said...

Karan - you are now really being creative..and the outcome is so apparent. Great..

Satyendra said...

Walk the Talk. Talk the wa-walk..
Keep walking and talking..

kanpur vikings said...

Hahaha......Uncle i think that's also a small way of showing people that i am ok with myself....

kanpur vikings said...

Hahaha......Uncle i think that's also a small way of showing people that i am ok with myself....