July 14, 2014

Mumbai SHG - Minutes of Meeting - 13th July 2014

Hi guys,

The meeting started at 1.50 pm with the welcome speech by the Meeting Manager Aditya Yadav. Aditya then called the facilitator Srinivas Basutkar to take over the meeting. Srinivas introduced himself and the theme of the meeting "Life in a metro..." and asked each of the role players to introduce themselves and their roles.

This was followed by the learning session. The speakers Bharat, Gaurav and Aditya shared their knowledge on the various speaking techniques. The memebers were then divide in group of 4 members and each group performed an act on the leraned speaking technique. eg. Group A perfromed and demonstrated the bouncing technique.

This was followed by the Extempore session. The members shared their ideas on the topic given the extempore facilitator Aditya Yadav. Extempore is indeed a great learning curve for speakers.

This was followed by the evaluation of the speeches by all the role players, which was followed by the role booking for the next which was done by Gaurav Dubey. This activity concluded a nice SHG meet.



Satyendra said...

Thanks Kevin - for sharing the report..well organised meet, I must say...

kumar kundan said...

such activities should be part of every shg meets..