May 31, 2014

I am Stammerer today and will remain as Stammerer for Life. (period)

During last few weeks, I was bit busy and could not write on blogs or much interaction with other PWS. This was one of the hectic period for me to attend various calls where I talked for 4 hours on the phone. Here are some the things I have been noticing, as I have talked to many unknown people, the speech was not great and had lot of jerks, I stammered many a time. I hesitated on certain time as there was bit anxiety as there were senior people in the call. I unknowingly used bouncing techniques many times, but did not had a block any time. Despite it was not a great feeling that I did not speak well, I never carried over on next moment, or next call, or next day the feelings of guilt. In fact there is no feeling that I stammered or there is a guilt about my stammering. But at the same time there is inner feeling that stammering is there, and will remain.....


ABHISHEK said...

true feelings sir..

Satyendra said...

Great! When we are free of guilt and shame, then what you said in the title becomes OK for us. We are no more trying to impress others. We are just trying to do the task at hand - Communicate! And then, since there is no shame, fear, guilt, we communicate reasonably well. The title could be compared to a statement like: I am an Asian and I will remain an Asian (period). and so on.. This deep realization comes when one has struggled a lot, done all the homework-and has finally realized that embracing our stammering is THE way to overcome it (not running away from it)..Keep sharing please..

Amitsingh Kushwah said...

Wow! Virendra Ji. Great experience. Thanks for sharing this...

प्रभु ! कृपा हि केवलम् said...

virendra ji, "you unknowingly used bouncing techniques many times, but did not had a block any time."
same thing all "Non-PWS" also do. one of my colleague is a non-PWS , A trade union leader, Having very good communication skills, address to crowd during union gatherings. he also does unknowing bouncing (even 4-5 times on first alphabate)when ever in stress i.e. staff short and he have to do work extra and have to responde many officer in same time means during multitask with time pressure

Gaurav Trivedi said...

Thanks for sharing this...nice experience