March 13, 2014

Stammer Freely Googleplus Hangout

    L-R : Anshul, Jagbir, Tahir, Nenad, Prabhat, Premdeep, Sathish, Siva, Sumanth, Vishal

If you don't have SHG in your city and have some problem come and join our Daily Online SHG Meeting Conversation at 10 pm (Indian Time)

170 PWS are the members of Our Online SHG so put your headphone and internet and attend our Conversation. We have members from all over the world with 4 host. 

Register yourself at in order to subscribe and to get the Hangout link.

The more you will speak the more you will improve !!!!


Manimaran said...

Wonderful Vishal. Like using various tools to overcome our stammering, we have to give various options to pws to use as per their convenience.
Great Work.

vishal gupta said...

thank you Manimaran sir