March 2, 2014


Today we finally had a Kanpur SHG meet for the first time. I and Navneet met for the first time. We initially  shared about the life experiences of each other related to stammering and other general stuff in life. I learned a new exercise , ultra slow speaking experience and how to combine it with the normal fluency.I was amazed to see the confidence in Navneet to apply the slow speaking technique without any fear or guilt  in practical situations.


Virendra said...

Congratulations on starting SHG at Kanpur. Good job Karan and Navneet. Keep the momentum.

Satyendra said...

Pa Ji- tussi gurrrrate ho..
Tussi chhha gay ho-
Hun - ore ki dasssan?

Manimaran said...

Congrats to both Karan and Navneet.