March 29, 2012


myself ritesh from mumbai. First of all i want to thanks TISA for conducting chennai workshop and a great thanks to members and coordinator of chennai tisa. Manimaran sir and tisa members had made a great arrangements for us .ROOms were booked . we were feeling like we are superstars but with stammering .At 8 am a bangalore tisa members arrived in the hotel .they were realy confident , and honest individuals. I introduced to them that i am from mumbai  and came for chennai workshop. Workshop started at 10 am . when i entered in that hall i saw manimaran sir , raja sir , hassanand sir was waiting for us . till 10:30 all members were gathered in that workshop hall. First we started with our introduction with a fear of stammering , we all stammered . then we started sharing our worst experience of life and what is goal behind everyone to cure his individual stammering . some members told that they wanted to be successful in life , some told that they want to sleep like a baby in night with no fear of stammering , some told that they want a girlfriends.workshop was going on further in the direction of techniques such as bouncing and prolongation. . we had lunch session then we all interacted with the members on lunch table and shared our techniques and exercises which we were using .after lunch session we started with some fun activites like singing , playing some games.I remember a one guy he was sharing his worst experience of stammering , he mentioned that in my friend circle nobody feel like talking to me they think like i am not a human , i am an animal. . such type of feelings come out in workshop only my friends . we all stammerers shared our fear with one another .and there was a guy who shared his interview experience with us it was a heart touching once " he told that in a interview when he started to tell his name he got severly blocked and manager told him please get up and instead of giving intreview , he should visit to a goverment hospitals.workshop give us a stage to overcome our fear of stammering . in my opinion stammering is only our mind ,it is not related to our speech organs .so workshops are a place were we can overcome this fear . workshops teaches us to melt our fear and enbracement when we fell it when we get block in our speech . we should appreciate our blocks , we should not get embracced .Eveybody , a normal speaker also get blocked in his speech but they dont give such importance to there blocks but we stammeres when we get blocked we feel a shame , guilt or embraccement . These is a major difference between thinking and mind set up of a normal speaker and stammerers.In workshops ex - stammerers were also present , today they have controlled there speech not cured , but controlled . They are so successful in there life , with there good jobs like MANAGERS and SALES executive with a happy married life .By seeing them , we also got inspired that one day we will all stammerers will achieve that.. workshops and shg meetings . i think it directly change our mental thinkings , it have a strong influence in our mind that we are not alone with such problems and we can win these battles . I want to share something that when i saw ex stammerers , they were realy good in communiction than a normal speakers . IN my aspect i have gained a huge confidence due to chennai workshop .and thanks a lot to TISA for arranging such type of workshops .THAnk u : sachin sir , manimaran sir , raja sir and all tisa members for there support for conducting such Workshops .


Satyendra said...

It is participation by people like you, which gives TISA a reason to exist and grow.. Keep participating..Thnaks..

Dinesh said...

This Guy is truly Dabangg.
He travelled 30 hrs alone in train to attend the workshop. "Acceptance" has done wonders for him. He did share his Acceptance with us. Watch out for his interview conducted by me in Chennai, it will soon appear in t
he blog.

Kharvi Prakash said...

grt ritesh.... day by day. you are becoming very confident... I appreciate your efforts and eagerness to join each n every meeting and trying to tackle the issue..
keep up the wonderful work..

J P Sunda said...

Well done Ritesh! Courage is the first requirement for change.

dabbang said...

thank u sachin sir, dinesh , prakash, jp .your comments increase my self confidence

Senthilkumar said...
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