January 2, 2011

Stuttering is cool!!

Who says stuttering is not cool ? Still don't agree, then check this out. And those who think stuttering is cool, this will make it c-c-c-c-coooler!! Awesome song and do enjoy the s-s-s-s-s-stuttering!!

[ Please don't get into the lyrics and message..You may not agree with it...Just check out the way the singer stutters..its so relaxed, elegant and fluent!! :)]


Tanoy said...

Awesome Song.. JPes .

Anonymous said...

As a stutterer, I'm really not sure what to think about this song. There is the suggestion that one can stop stuttering through a romantic relationship... My favorite part is the "?????" part.

J P Sunda said...

Don't get into the lyrics and message...Just check out the way the singer stutters..its so relaxed and elegant :)

Manohar said...

elegant indeed !

Aditya Khajuria from Jammu said...

cool song for tense situation
thnks JP

Satyendra said...

"Kind-a-kool man!"
as some of young people with whom I am traveling, will say, I am sure..
Are their any cool and musical IPWS, who could give us something similar in Hindi?

I am Santosh said...

cooooool song.
Thnx Mate...