January 24, 2011

Chennai 3rd day: 24th Jan 2011

(Raja sharing the videos..)

I live in Herbertpur, which is like a frontier town from a John Wayne (wild west) movie: a road and some shops on both sides! No- no cowboys shooting from the hip, nor the dancing ladies, nor gambling. Herbertpur is a peaceful little village 40 km from Dehradun- retired and relaxing. Only excitement is when my dogs catch a rat or the farmer next door abuses his cattle for sundry acts of misdemeanor.

So, I had a "full on" blast of what commuting to work means for people in metro! Did I tell you, I was "physically moved"? Okay, for a 2 hour presentation on stammering & self help, at a renowned IT giant*, we spent something like 6 hours - best part of the day in "toing and froing"! It was located in Mahendra City, a suburb 55 km away, which could be done in 30 minutes I guess, on the beautiful highway but...

Anyway- we were touched by the courtesy of the HR, which organized flawless pick up, lunch, drop back and excellent support with other things- including the coffee vending machine, since sachin, a country bumpkin, did not know how to operate this latest new fangled Ziggurat, which was supposed to serve coffee to its supplicants.

We interacted with a group of about 25 employees: A young father concerned for his son; a girl wanting to help her cousin - and others, who wanted to understand about stammering and self help. We showed some video clips, some powerpoint slides followed by Q&A session; Raja Bhattacharya, Mr Manimaran, JP and sachin took turns and demonstrated what "overcoming" stammering means in practice.

Before participants left, they were invited to come forward and introduce themselves using bouncing technique. Also, before they left, participants selected one person who volunteered, to take charge and start SHG, with help from Mr Manimaran and from Pune unit of the parent organization.

Finally by 9pm, we landed at Cdr Menon's place. He was the C in C of TJY train yatra and is closely associated with the whole project. Mrs Menon, the perfect host, gave us a wonderful evening, food etc. etc. while Cdr Menon shared some declassified information about INS Ghatotkach.. We had lots of laughter and fun before we tumbled out by 11 pm, drove back and crashed into our beds..

PS: We have suppressed the name to honor their Media policy.


Manohar said...

C in C means?

Satyendra said...

C in C = Commander in Chief
and that fib about INS Ghatotkach was just a joke told by Commander Menon!