January 30, 2011

Chandigarh SHG Meet - 30 Jan 2011

Dhruv, Mr Jasbir and myself met at Sector 33 park yesterday for our weekly meets after a long time! Jasbir ji requested me to share my experiences at Chennai workshop, which i did :)..We started with usual laughter session and this is something really good that I have learned from the SHG...I would recommend all the SHGs to start this way. It brings a great postive energy right at the start. Next we did a brief round of breathing exercises and meditation.Mr Jasbir shared a nice post from http://stutteringhub.com/ about doing the right thing and not the things that we feel we can do easily. (Sir, please share the link). We discussed ways to spread good word about Chandigarh SHG..And it was decided to invite a newspaper reporter to one of our meets (I am the owner for this task :-). Also it was decided to make the meetings once a fortnight and to put up an agenda every thursday about the upcoming meet. Also we decided to shift the meetings to morning as some of us felt that that way we can spend Sunday evenings with our families and may also increase the attendance. Next we had a round of table topics where Mr Dhruv spoke on - Mahatma Gandhi, JP on - "what India has and what needs to be done further to become a developed country" and Mr Jasbir spoke on "future prospects of SHGs".
I am also assigned the task for finding a hall where we can meet..We dispersed after having a nice Tea and a good round of bouncing and voluntary stuttering with chai wala.

So from next week Chandigarh SHG will be meeting once a fortnight on Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

P.S. - All three of us also made a voluntary contribution of Rs 100 to take care of snacks and drinks for every meet and also for other expenses involved in running a SHG. We plan to do this every month! and the expenses details and accounts will be put up on TISA's website regularly!


vaibhav talegaonkar said...

JP thanks for sharing.i will definitely meet Mr jasbir.

@Jasbir ji:Sir if u r coming to plan for mumbai pls tell me.

Satyendra said...

Great! Big things have small beginnings.. In any case, we are out not to impress anyone- just helping ourselves and each other..

It is even nicer that you are sharing this on blog with the rest of the community..


Dhruva Kathuria said...

it is my appeal to all the pws who already are a part of the chandigarh shg as well as those who havent attended a single meet to plzzzz come this sunday at 10 am,Mr JP and Mr Jasbir are putting up a lot of efforts for this week's meet,the meet will be full of activities and speech techniques together with a lot of fun,the detailed agenda will be put up on thursday and pws are welcome to email their suggestions for the meet to either Mr JP or Mr Jasbir!! Dont make excuses this time and dont feel shy,trust me,you will not regret coming !!!!

jasbir singh said...

It was 9th SHG Meet of Chandigarh TISA Chapter.I believe every club has ups and downs phases. Though we have around 15 members in our group but in recent times the no. have been thin in meetings.May be because of extreme cold in this part of the region.Now the weather being opened up I hope increase in attendence.Towards commitment for the group we have decided to charge a nominal monthly fee of Rs.100 to meet the incidental expences to make the club more formal,which is of course optional and not compulsory. Further no charges from the Guests.After discussing with Dr. Sachin we propose to issue identity card or some badge of TISA.I have a lot of agenda for SHG Chandigarh, for which we need committed workers. Of course with dedicated members like JP, Dhruv and others WE are hopeful of achieving them.I believe in the saying someone has to start and others fall in line.
From next meeting we propose to do the meet agenda wise as being done in Toastmaster club to make it more interesting and members participatory. Any idea or suggestion are welcome.

Dear Vaibhav whenever I come to Mumbai I would certainly meet you.

jasbir sandhu.