July 20, 2016

Chandigarh SHG- Registration Fee received and Expenditure incurred

1.       Total amount received by way of registration fee/ accommodation charges = Rs. 41600
2,          Expenditure incurred on Conference Hall, Boarding Lodging, Banners,
             petty expenses and providing other logistics                                                 = Rs.26500
                                                      Balance amount left                                            = (+) 15100


Unknown said...

Chandigarh SHG has decided to print 200 copies of Hindi version of book "Apna Hath Jagannath" written by Dr. Sachin from this balance amount.

Satyendra said...

Thank you Pramod ji and Jasmeet.. for sharing this- and organizing all this so efficiently; This printing idea is a good one. We will have something in Hindi, for new comers. I will also suggest an ice cream party for Chandigarh SHG, whenever the quorum is complete! :)) Best regards.

Unknown said...

Chandigarh shg ne kamal ka performance diya hai. Hats off gays👍👍