August 26, 2014

Minutes of Meeting - 17th Aug 2014

Hi guys,

The meeting started at 1.50 pm with the introduction speech by the facilitator of the meeting Shilpa Sagwal. She then asked each of the role players to introduce themselves and their roles.

This was followed by the learning session by Kevin D’Souza. The idea was to use Intonation techniques while speaking or reading. Everyone had a chance to read a poem story book called “The Cat In The Hat”. The second activity was to understand the difference between some idioms and phrases in Indian English and American English. It was indeed something to learn.

This was followed by the prepared speeches by Bharat Soni, Gaurav Dubey and Kevin D’Souza. All of them spoke presented their respective project speeches really well.

This was followed by the extempore session which was led the Extempore facilitator Srinivas Basutkar. The theme was “I can’t… RIP”. Each of the members spoke on some wonderful topics for 2 minutes.

This was followed by the role booking for the next meeting, This concluded the fun filled and educational SHG meeting.


1 comment:

Satyendra said...

You are inching your way to Best SHG award, it seems....hmmm