July 2, 2014

Mumbai SHG - Minutes Of Meeting - 29th June 2014

Hi guys,

The meeting started at 1.45 pm with the welcome speech by the facilitator of the meeting Gaurav Dubey. The facilitator introduced himself and the theme of the meeting and then asked each of the role players to introduce themselves and their roles. The new member Ramji Sharma also introduced himself to the group.

After this was the prepared speeches session. The speaker Gaurav Dubey gave a wonderful speech on Project 5.

After this was the Extempore session which was led by Kavish J. The theme was “New Beginning...”. The speakers shared their ideas and experiences on some wonderful topics.

The learning session was led by Kevin D'Souza. The session started with a good 15 minutes of meditation. This was followed by the explanation of the various techniques to handle stammering. It was a good session especially for the new member Ramji, who also happened to be the Grammarian on his first day.

This was followed by a group discussion, where all the members shared their views/ideas on the given topic.

Then, the role players evaluated the speeches of all the speakers. The role booking for the next week was done by Gaurav Dubey and Kevin D'Souza.


1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Wonderful Kevin! An ounce of practice...you know the rest..keep at it, all of you, please..