April 9, 2014

News - Chennai SHG Center Visit - South Zone Meetup April 5th and 6th

The best take away from Chennai SHG Chapter is Head Movements technique, Yoga with acupuncture and acupressure methods and Manimaran ji's classes on stammering and his selfless service to PWS.
You are only expected to be attentive in classes and and rest all Manimaran ji and Ganesh ji will take care right from excellent food to bed. Our sincere thanks for the homely atmosphere being created by them for such meetings.The effort they have taken while providing these luxuries is very much appreciable.
I shall appreciate Mani ji for turning his flat into SHG centre and delivering his excellent services to PWS.
You don't need to pay for staying at SHG center, just pay for your food.
Simply to say the SHG center was like a 2nd home for everyone.
Activities happened for the 2 days:
  1. Formal Introduction
  2. Discussion - What is Stammering, What could be the reasons of stammering
  3. Discussion - How can we get control on stammering
  4. Yoga on how to calm down nervous system using acupuncture and acupressure.
  5. Head movements while talking.
  6. Healthy food habits.
  7. Hearing audios on stammering and confidence building.
  8. Slow reading practice with syllable by syllable approach and head movements approach.
  9. Role plays.
  10. Breathing patterns
  11. Fun games.
  12. Marina beach visit.
Its a great learning experience with fun filled moments. We have experienced a true definition for Self Help Group. I recommend other members to visit Chennai SHG if you have time and experience all that we had and come home with cherishing moments and with more confidence.
Right now if i see the pics of my Chennai visit in cam I just miss those moments and people...
Lets meetup again and liberate joy further...

I thank Mr.Manimaran, Mr.Ganesh, Mr.Siva and Mr.Murthy for all their efforts in making our tour and time more efficient.

Together We Step Up Together We Succeed !

Rajesh V
96 76 82 0007
Gmail Id: rajesh.jaca

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Yes, home away from home and we must thank Mrs Manimaran too, for this second home!!