Meeting at a glance :
- Introduction
- Introduction of any technique by each member
- Impromptu Speech(Toast Master’s Activity)
- Robin round game
- Evaluating each person
- Feed back
Delhi shg
meeting held at central park. Meeting started at 11 am. It was a cloudy day and
central park looking very nice.
My Brief intro::
I am Sikandar Alam from Aligarh. I am a PWS(a person who stammer). I am student of bachelor of engineering in Aligarh Muslim University. I have been attending Delhi SHG Meeting since one year. I come delhi from Aligarh by train in five hour travelling and I am very happy.
My Brief intro::
I am Sikandar Alam from Aligarh. I am a PWS(a person who stammer). I am student of bachelor of engineering in Aligarh Muslim University. I have been attending Delhi SHG Meeting since one year. I come delhi from Aligarh by train in five hour travelling and I am very happy.
We were 12
PWS there Vishal Gupta, Jagbir Singh, Md Tahir, Chetan Pareek, Akash, Jitendra
Gupta, Ashis, Prem Deep me(Sikandar Alam) and a new member Amit Sikari from
Kalkata and now live in delhi.
Meeting had been hosted by Vishal Gupta and Jitender Gupta, First of all each member gave his introduction in two
minute. In our second activity, since Amit sikari is a new member so first we heard his story of stammering and introduction and after that each
member gave brief introduction about any speech technique so he can start to work on his speech with us.
are follows :-
- Acceptance
- Prolongation
- Bouncing
- Volunteer stuttering
- Air flow technique
- Pausing
- Traffic rule
thank you !!!!
Sikander Alam

Thank you Vishal for putting it up and THANKS Sikander for a very complete and "to the point" report - with some nice animations.. Also thanks for your picture. It always helps, for people like me, to be able to associate a face to written words.. I am also impressed by your commitment to self development.. I am sure you are using those five hours of train journey to practice social talk with other passengers. As a TISA ambassador, always feel free to talk to people and tell them about your self help movement- which is the only of its kind in India - and may be in the world.. let me close with a couplet-
ताश के पत्तों से कभी ताजमहल नहीं बनता
नदी को रोकने से कभी समंदर नहीं बनता
लड़ते रहो ज़िन्दगी से , हर पल , हर दिन, क्योंकि
एक ही जीत से कोई सिकंदर नहीं बनता ...
Presentation and description of report is awesome...Your writing skills improved...Keep writing
thank you sachin sir for encouraging me, thank you vishal bro and amit dixshit for your co-operation.thanks to tisa family
सिकंदर आलम जी, बधाई और शुभकानाएं, इस सुन्दर प्रयास के लिए। स्वयं सहायता समूह को ज्वाइन करना और हकलाहट से जुड़े विभिन्न पहलुओं को जानना, समझना हम सबके लिए बेहद जरूरी है। इस दिशा में दिल्ली स्वयं सहायता समूह के सदस्यों ने एक मिसाल कायम की है। जितेन्दर गुप्ता, अमित दीक्षित, विशाल गुप्ता, ललित पाण्डे आदि साथियों ने दिल्ली स्वयं सहायता समूह को स्थापित करने में महती योगदान दिया है। सभी को बधाई और आभार।
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