March 10, 2014

Bengaluru SHG March 09, 2014 meetup report


Here is report of another awesome meeting of Bengaluru SHG. And yeah above pic is of voice exercise which we practised in meeting :)

Attendees -

1st row (Left to Right) - Anshuman, Sairam, Karthik, Nishil, Naman

2nd row (Left to Right) - Akash, Anna, Abhinav, Lohit, Prabhakaram

Lying down - Pramod, Anand

 Activities -

1) Laughter yoga

2) Warm up exercise for speech muscles (Which Dinesh and I learnt from voice workshop)

3) Meditation

4) Diaphragm breathing exercise. This exercise was the theme of today's meeting. In voice workshop most imp lesson I learnt was to train your mind to adopt correct breathing style (ie Diaphragm breathing). Today each member practised correct breathing style and read paragraph from SHG manual. I strongly believe if we can train our mind to follow correct breathing pattern half the battle of fluent speech will automatically be won.

5) Poem by Dinesh

6) Speech by Naman on how retail industry works.

Feel free to contact me at abhinav dot foss at gmail dot come for any suggestions or feedback. That is all from Bengaluru SHG this week.
See you all next week. Have great week ahead :)

Pics -

(Me in conversation with every one)

(Karthik practising belly breathing)

(Prabhakaran practising belly breathing)

(Every one doing meditation)


Abhinav said...

One thing which I'm noticing and proud of is increased level of commitment shown by every member of SHG from last few weeks.In future meetings also I will try to include more practical activities which will be beneficial for all.

Unknown said...

Abhinav very nice post man.

Manimaran said...

Great going by Bangalore SHG. Keep it up.