May 7, 2013

Today's Stuttering Quotes (08.05.2013)


1.Establish eye contact before you begin to speak. Two or three seconds of quiet eye contact can get you off to a better start. (Sheehan)

2.Try to maintain eye contact with your listeners. Looking away severs the communication link with your audience and convinces them that you are ashamed and disgusted with the way you talk. (Moses)

3.As a matter of fact I had to tell him that I would feel more comfortable if he would look at me while we talked, and it was interesting that as he began to look at me, he struggled less and less. (Rainey)

4.Maintaining eye contact may sound easy. For many people it is very hard.I know stutterers who have gone through various therapies with some success but who still have been unable to break their old habit of looking away from their listener when a block begins. (Murray)

1 comment:

lalit said...

nice mani sir.... these quotes are valuable for all either pws or not..
good eye contact is part of good a reminder a today i will focus on eye contact during communication ........ apart from communication eye contact has g8t power, like making eye contact while wishing some one, saying hello to some one or just passing a smile with a goos eye contact ....:-)