Pune shg has a very great day today. Six members attended it
Amol(Myself),Vivek,Aftab,Sanjeet sir,Anup sir and Sachin sir. Out of these me,Aftab and vivek are students and rest all are doing job.
Our usual time for meeting is 10.30am.I came around 10.30 am. Later Anup sir came and after some time sanjeet sir came. Then we decided that we should start our session. We started with meditation in which we concentrated on breathing. Till 11am Vivek and Sachin sir came. Next we have an activity of slow reading. Then we have an activity of self introduction. In the mean time there came some reporters from “AAJ KA ANAND” newspaper to cover Pune SHG. They have recently started a English newspaper “LIFE 365” so they are in a process of writing article about TISA and Pune SHG in paper. They take some of our photos.
Later we have an activity in which everybody will speak about how shg helped them. Till 11.30am Aftab also came. Last week we have planned that the coming Sunday means today we will have an activity of voluntary stammering. We decided to visit PUNE CENTRAL MALL for that activity. We were split in 2 groups. In one group members were i,Aftab and anup sir and the other group has members Vivek,Sanjeet and Sachin sir.
Our group decided that we will target salesman first and after that general public. We decided we will go to buy a laptop. So at the Laptop Section there was a salesman. Anup sir started with that we want to buy laptop we told our requirements. Then he showed us some laptops. Then i enquire about discounts, prices and any exchange offer using very little voluntary stammering. Aftab also asked many questions involving voluntary stammering in it.After that we told the salesman that we are not here to buy laptop.We are just seeing how others react to stammerers. He told us that he has noticed how we were speaking and next thing the opinions of salesman. He told that he will treat pws as regular customer. This was our First milestone.
Now we targeted a salesgirl she was in the section of cosmetics and creams Aftab enquired about some cream for pimple she showed us some creams ,anup sir asked about price and later i asked is there any cream to protect skin from sunrays? We have used voluntary stammering here also. Then later we asked do you know stammering is? She said no. Then i told her and demonstrated what stammering is. She said it is ok to stammer everybody has their own problems. I also told her about TISA. Second Milestone completed.
Now we decided that either we do voluntary stammering individually or in a group of 2.Everbody goes in some directions. Aftab and i decided that we will do it together. We targeted a couple aftab asked sir can we take 2 minutes from you they said ok. Then i started using voluntary stammering and i also used little bit bouncing do you know what stammering is. They told that they know what stammering is. They give us example of HRITHIK ROSHAN. They also talk about some therapy in Jaipur. I told them that what TISA is. They told us that stammering is not a sin and it can be manage to a great extent.
After this we targeted a young person Aftab started he used voluntary stammering here he asked can we take 2 minutes? .He said ok. Then I asked him do you know what stammering is he said yes. He told us that during his college one of his friends used to stammer.He told that he will treak pws as normal person.We told him about TISA also. When we were leaving from him he told aftab that occasionally you stammer well. He identified that we are doing voluntary stammering.
Later we targeted a man who was carrying a baby. I asked him can we take 2 minutes of yours. He told ok. Then i asked him do you know what stammering is? He told he didn’t know what stammering is. We demonstrated him what stammering is and also told him about TISA. Later aftab asked him suppose your child develops stammering how you will treat it. He was little bit confused. He told that he will not accept it easily.
The time was around 1 pm. We all get together .We share our experiences. This is our first voluntary stammering activity but for Sanjeet Sir it was second. After that we have some snacks and we dispersed.
The rest of the members are also going to share their experiences of voluntary stammering through blog.
Member of pune shg
Amol karale
Mobile no.-9763951322
Amazing! You guys are taking Vol.Stuttering to great heights! VS is a highly respected technique of changing the way we talk and FEEL about it.. Keep at it and encourage others.. and educate society in the process.
All of you are doing amazing job! As days pass you will see a change in your thoughts and feelings..
Keep sharing.
You are doing some serious activities. Keep at it. Well done Pune group!
Problems makes human beings successfull. Problem is a problem if we think so.. Look at the brighter side of it always.. You guys are normal and extra blessed.. Keep doing good deeds mate.. Be happy and spread happiness..!! Good luck..!!
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