Below is the information on today's SHG meeting.
Location: Jalagam Vengala Rao Park, Road no-1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
It was an another Awesome weekend we ever spent, it was Productive and Fun as always.
We had 8 people for the meeting.
Members are as follows from left to right w.r.t left side picture.
1)Rajesh (myself) 2)Sravan 3)Sugandh 4)Kiran 5)Mahipal 6)Raja 7)Anand 8)Neeraj(not in pic)
Everyone are awesome, rocking and inspiring.
The activities at event are as follows:
1) Played National Anthem sung by physically challenged people.
2) Introduction round, where all members have introduced to the group.
3)After that we had a group discussion for deciding on possible sheltered places for future SHG meetings apart from this park, everyone has come up with new options which are very good and finally Mr.Sugandh has suggested a very good location.
4) Toastmasters club discussion, since Mr.Sugandh has served as toastmaster’s officer so I had a dream of attending it once and even he suggested that next weekend we all shall visit Toastmasters club and participate in that. Its going to be a good opportunity for people who are looking for next level. Sugandh also explained what is toastmasters club and their activities. We initially participate as a guest and depending on individual interests we would join the club in future.I will surely join ASAP :)
5) Later we had extempore round, its was really challenging and fun too, followed by each members were asked few questions based on their topic in extempore.
6) Later we had a talk on how to look at life being a stammerer and how can we reduce it, we have different opinions but all are common in a point that was " Hope is All :) "
7) We signed off for the day by taking a group photo, All left to homes with great joy and confidence but still our mission didn't complete there though!!!.
8) Voluntary Stuttering-- though we planned to do voluntary stuttering in a group but that couldn't happen because of various reasons. But myself and Anand decided to do it, so we went to Mac Donalds situated in Hyderabad City Centre shopping mall directly from park. We ordered MacD meal using Vol,Stutt style, there the executive was surprised and confused :) as we expected :) Then we thought where shall we go and do Vol.Stut and slowly we walked to ground floor shopping and we were looking in a mirror near by to set our hairs, then there was a lady suddenly holding a hand mike came to us, wearning an MTS T-shirt. We were surprised as we are looking for an opportunity for doing Vol.Stut and there it is !!! she started to ask our names and we are very confident to talk on mike :) and we gave it a shot :)And the speakers are so big that voice is heard all around the full 5 floored shopping mall, We are thrilled to talk to those MTS executives for few minutes.
From there we went to around 10 shops in that mall to do Vol.Stutt and its nice that we did it with no hesitation , We did it like its our only mission for today.
We left home with great satisfaction and recharging my courage :)
I thank all friends who were present at today's event and made it a grand success.
Special thanks to Mr.Raja and Mr.Sugandh for their presence. Waiting for next weekend SHG meeting.
For people who wants to participate daily in SHG meetings online(Free to all) via skype calls with us can add me with id "rajesh.jaca2",Everyday we are a group of 10-15 people who come online for practicing with speech and share valuable information which helps us in building confidence in our speech.
To start a self help group meeting(SHG) or participate in a SHG meetings in your city please follow the below link
All The Best.
Together We Step Up :) Together We Succeed :)
With Regards,
Rajesh V.
96 76 82 0007 (available at anytime)
email-ids: and
skype-id: rajesh.jaca2
Location: Jalagam Vengala Rao Park, Road no-1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
It was an another Awesome weekend we ever spent, it was Productive and Fun as always.
We had 8 people for the meeting.
Members are as follows from left to right w.r.t left side picture.
1)Rajesh (myself) 2)Sravan 3)Sugandh 4)Kiran 5)Mahipal 6)Raja 7)Anand 8)Neeraj(not in pic)
Everyone are awesome, rocking and inspiring.
The activities at event are as follows:
1) Played National Anthem sung by physically challenged people.
2) Introduction round, where all members have introduced to the group.
3)After that we had a group discussion for deciding on possible sheltered places for future SHG meetings apart from this park, everyone has come up with new options which are very good and finally Mr.Sugandh has suggested a very good location.
4) Toastmasters club discussion, since Mr.Sugandh has served as toastmaster’s officer so I had a dream of attending it once and even he suggested that next weekend we all shall visit Toastmasters club and participate in that. Its going to be a good opportunity for people who are looking for next level. Sugandh also explained what is toastmasters club and their activities. We initially participate as a guest and depending on individual interests we would join the club in future.I will surely join ASAP :)
5) Later we had extempore round, its was really challenging and fun too, followed by each members were asked few questions based on their topic in extempore.
6) Later we had a talk on how to look at life being a stammerer and how can we reduce it, we have different opinions but all are common in a point that was " Hope is All :) "
7) We signed off for the day by taking a group photo, All left to homes with great joy and confidence but still our mission didn't complete there though!!!.
8) Voluntary Stuttering-- though we planned to do voluntary stuttering in a group but that couldn't happen because of various reasons. But myself and Anand decided to do it, so we went to Mac Donalds situated in Hyderabad City Centre shopping mall directly from park. We ordered MacD meal using Vol,Stutt style, there the executive was surprised and confused :) as we expected :) Then we thought where shall we go and do Vol.Stut and slowly we walked to ground floor shopping and we were looking in a mirror near by to set our hairs, then there was a lady suddenly holding a hand mike came to us, wearning an MTS T-shirt. We were surprised as we are looking for an opportunity for doing Vol.Stut and there it is !!! she started to ask our names and we are very confident to talk on mike :) and we gave it a shot :)And the speakers are so big that voice is heard all around the full 5 floored shopping mall, We are thrilled to talk to those MTS executives for few minutes.
From there we went to around 10 shops in that mall to do Vol.Stutt and its nice that we did it with no hesitation , We did it like its our only mission for today.
We left home with great satisfaction and recharging my courage :)
I thank all friends who were present at today's event and made it a grand success.
Special thanks to Mr.Raja and Mr.Sugandh for their presence. Waiting for next weekend SHG meeting.
For people who wants to participate daily in SHG meetings online(Free to all) via skype calls with us can add me with id "rajesh.jaca2",Everyday we are a group of 10-15 people who come online for practicing with speech and share valuable information which helps us in building confidence in our speech.
To start a self help group meeting(SHG) or participate in a SHG meetings in your city please follow the below link
All The Best.
Together We Step Up :) Together We Succeed :)
With Regards,
Rajesh V.
96 76 82 0007 (available at anytime)
email-ids: and
skype-id: rajesh.jaca2
Superb activities in the agenda. Especially the voluntary stuttering in MacDonalds. Great going guys !
Good Report Rajesh. You are doing great work in Hyderabad.
The way you start the meeting everytime with National Anthem is very touching and very inspiring. Rest of the activities which you do are more inspiring. We need more people like you..
Happy to see Raja back in action. He is such an inspirational figure. Whenever he is present make the most of the opportunity
@Harish, @Dinesh & @JP --- Thanks all for your compliments :) Have a Nice Day.
With Regards.
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