March 31, 2012

TISA buttons

Thanks to the hard work of Raja, Pawas and Harish, TISA has got its own buttons. Want one of these ? Attend the next TISA event :-)

To read more about Transfluency :


Satyendra said...

Thanks JP!
Yes "Transfluency" is a concept which can turn a stammerer's world upside down! Every pws should read it at least twice.. and those who want to help other pws, should read it five times- may be even more- with a few weeks gap in between- till they have got hold of the idea..
This paper IMHO is the truly original and most meaningful contribution to on line ISAD conference that year..

Mohit kumar said...

Wow TISA has got its own batch, amazing looks.
Thank you all of you who done hard work for it.

Er. Umesh said...

Nice buttons!! Now TISA is no less than BSA or NSA...

Sid said...

Nice work .