January 16, 2011

Izabella, the princess who stammered

Vibhor and Mukarram came today. I shared the story of Izabella with them. First Vibhor read it- discussed it with me and told the story to Mukarram. Story telling can be an important skill for children as well as adults. But it can be difficult to master for children who stammer. So, while Vibhor told the story- I interjected with questions on purpose: to remind him that he was supposed to use pauses (to breathe), bounce or prolong, whichever word he found difficult to say- and to desist from using the filler word (Bhai) whenever he thought he was in difficulty.
Articulating takes a lot of effort for such children- and as a result, they forget other details. For example: it took quite an effort for both of them to remember the names of all the 3 princess and 2 princes in the story. I kept bringing them back again and again to these small (but significant) details through strategic questions.
I have given him the pdf file on a pen drive and next Sunday, will encourage him to tell the story of the pricess who stammered, with action..
Another big thing: Had a nice long chat with Tom Weidig (Stuttering Brain blog) on skype! The quality was good. Also had a nice chat with Anuj on phone.

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