December 13, 2010

Searching Desperately

Good morning friends,

Happiness: The word slightly creates a confusion.What is the definition of Happiness.What is the measurement for happiness don't know.I remember that i always said to my friend "yar you have a good wife,2 cute children & lot of money you are the happiest person".He said every time nai yar i m not and i thought ab or kya chahiye life mein.But life is beyond these things.Many of us think if we don't stammer we could do lot better in life but there is no guaranty. You can see all around that ppl are not happy even they are fluent & doing good.Happiness come with Satisfaction.If you are satisfied, you are the happiest person & satisfaction comes with love & care.When you help others, when you think about your family or Colleagues you always be happy.Life is a race, everyone is running for success & we don't have time to talk but who cares ?

The famous quotation written by ~Robert Brault :

"If you search the world for happiness, you may find it in the end, for the world is round and will lead you back to your door."

what you think guys ?

vaibhav Talegaonkar


Satyendra said...

Nice piece. Yes, happiness is in small things, is with in ourselves (not in things out there)- and is certainly in connecting with others selflessly. It does not mean that we stop working for goals, stop acquiring and using things- but it does mean that we turn within, cultivate satisfaction & contentment- and value these things more than our "possessions"..
Keep sharing your thoughts and creativity..

jasbir singh said...

Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder....

Manohar said...

well said Vaibhav.
Jasbir, well said too. that reminds of something else, the more you try to posses the sand in your palm, the more will fall off from between your fingers(from DCH). For me, Happiness is in being human.

Vaibhav Talegaonkar said...

thank you for ur valuable comments

J P Sunda said...

Another great Post Vaibhav! Really nice thoughts and btw what an amazing quote!