November 26, 2010

SHG Meeting with TOI Senior Reporter Sharmila

On every forth nightly Thursday we have SHG meeting in our office. But on last thursday we had meeting outside our office. Because Sharmila (Senior Reporter of Times of India) wanted to join us and outsiders are not allowed to enter into campus during working days.

Sharmila is working for Sunday Times and also write article for Crest Edition, where she write some unusual communities of India. She is writing an article about stammering as part of our petition filed in court against Golmal - 3.

We met around 4 pm outside office on chai tapari . Initially we were three (Manpreet, Sharmila & me - Devang). She wanted to know what kind of activities we are doing in SHG meeting. We explained her B B Bouncing, Pro...longation and volunteer stuttering. We also explained about Meditation. Manpreet explained light contact. Then she asked us about school experience. Meanwhile Sunny & Mahesh joined us.

We shared our school & college experience like vi via, when teacher ask some question to us and we kept quite even though we knew answer. because if we answered correct with stammering then students laugh at us so sometimes we preferred put ourselves back.

Also Sunny found one interesting fact about CAT exam. Recently he had visited CAT site & there he found that there is separate quota for disabled people like low eye sight, deaf and mentally disabled. So he raised concern if PWS (person who stammer) crack CAT and will may fail in GD or PI because there doesn't have special quota & treated as normal candidate even though having speech impediment. Mahesh had also same experience. He had tried 2-3 times CAT.

Sharmila asked us good/ bad experience about stammering. Sometimes we missed on site opportunities, client interaction. Experienced lots of interview problems while searching for job. Sometimes HR told that they can not hire us because of stammering.

We also explained what people belief about stammering. what people think about People who stammer. We explained some experiences those we had during Communication Workshop in October in Pune. People have some disbelief about stammering. After heard some disbelief she really laughed. We also shared some good experience of Anshul & till the time Anshul came there.

He also shared good experience of college and bad experience of stammering during school. That experience has bad impact on his mind till now. We also explained how child's life impacted by one bad experience regarding stammering. That's why we protest against movie like Golmaal -3. Children laugh at person who stammer they don't know what they are doing they just copied acting and that impact a lot child who stammer.

We also shared that some kind of awareness required in parent & society. Generally parent not talking about child's stammering. Its happen only in India, as Anshul had been in US for long time, he had seen there is acceptance of stammers in US.

We end up our meeting with photographs.

That was really good SHG meeting, in that meeting we even didn't try about techniques but we feel good because someone heard us and about our stammering for almost 2.5 hours. Generally stammers want to say but they didn't say because of stammering, but there we spoke almost 2.5 hours. Really Good Experience. :)

We really enjoyed and Sharmila also enjoyed a lot, that's good part of SHG. Because in SHG not only stammers enjoy but also normal person enjoy a lot. . .


J P Sunda said...

Aap sab log badhai ke patr hain :-) Good job Devang.I hope other people will take inspiration from you guys and start a SHG in their organizations too..Keep marching forward

Manpreet said...

Jeh baat .... JP ....Jo mere mann ko bhaya ... main ---- kat ke kahay ...

The meeting was really interesting and we al enjoyed a lot. Lets see now what she writes in the article.

kishore said...

congrats Mates !! you all are doing commendable work.

Satyendra said...

Friends- you have crossed "Escape Velocity" and now any moment your consciousness will sail out in outer space.. of joy and freedom.
Congrats to Sharmila too for spending some time with you guys in Pune as part of her basic research (Unlike Golmaal 3 team !)

Gaurav Trivedi said...

Congrats Team :) Great Work !!

Anil said...

Congratulations to Pune SHG, especially to Devang and Manpreet, for "breaking" into national news.

Read the article in Mumbai Edition of Sunday Times of India. Very well researched and well written article. Whoever reads this article will definitely have a change of opinion.

Golmaal 3 may have got through but I am sure Bollywood would think twice before such misadventure in future.

Anonymous said...

courageous and a wise effort by Manpreet and others in Pune. Should benefit themselves and the stammering cause.