May 12, 2010


I am in Uttarakashi with my new cheapo camera. But it has some interesting features- it can take a panoramic picture in three frames and then join them seamlessly. The picture above is an example- normally it would be possible only with an extreme wide angle lens. I took it while walking on a suspension bridge. The bridge is straight- but appears bent in the picture!
I am here in connection ith a program evaluation. have been visiting small picturesque villages. TISA is toying with the idea of bringing out a small publication in Hindi- meant for sharing 10-12 core self help ideas for young PWS who dont necessarily browse Internet, have little access to English and standard speech therapy or any other support.


Manohar said...
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Manohar said...

nice pic sachin. tell you what, now a days, mobile handsets have panoramic camera integrated, including mine. quality is subjective though :(