June 4, 2008

Stuttering and shame..

We have been reading some accounts of recovery from stuttering mindset.. One common thread appears to be: freedom from shame and fear of stuttering. Many of us focus too much on fluency, speech techniques, breathing, eye contact etc. but not enough on these deeper pervasive issues- attitude and emotions. Dr Sheehan's iceberg model also talks of these deeper factors which sustain stuttering in the long term and explain relapses. Here is a true story from a woman SLP:


Are there differences in Asian and “western” societies, when it comes to dealing with such emotions? Emotion of shame, for example? Are these emotions repressed more vigorously in Asia? More systematically? For example, some anthropologists have wondered about the concept of “shame” (Laaj) among Asian women, which internally holds them back from doing many things, specifically things not approved by society but quite harmless inherently (like riding a bike in rural areas). Is it more difficult to deal with shame, if you are an Asian? We would like to know what you think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is interesting. I guess each society has social norms and any deviation from that norm is stigmatised to some extent. However the degree of stigma differs from culture to culture. I guess there is evidence to believe that level of such stigma is high in south asian society