Saturday :
Totally 5 members were there. Karthik, Dinesh, Sairam, pavan and chandan. We started by 9:30 and ended by 11:45. Not much happened this day, We had self introduction and we discussed various topics.
Sunday :
We started by 9:45 and ended by 11:50. The real day was this. But unfortunately people who promised too missed. Totally 3 members. Sairam, dinesh and Karthik. Dinesh tought us how to do pranayama, we had a long spiritual talk, which took all 3 of us to another world which can only be felt. As a weekly practice, we practised slow reading. All 3 of us did slow reading of a book on Vivekananda which told us many things which were relating to stammering. Like one example would be, We dream to achieve a Goal, but miss plans and steps to achieve that Goal. We only think that Goal, but miss all the actions to reach that Goal. Sairam beautifully illustrated this with stammering. We think about curing stammering, but forget the steps to achieve that.
Vivekananda beautifully tells, first concentrate on the steps one by one, the goal will be automatically reached. A whole paradym shift happened here. It was amazing.
Later we practised word building, All 3 of us, stood apart about 20metres and started playing the game. After this we prepared an agenda for the next week.
Agenda for the next week :
Each participant need to come with a topic and present himself before everyone for atleast 6 to 8 minutes. He needs to plan before in hand and come well prepared. Everyweek the meet would be on sundays 10 to 1pm @ cubbonpark. This will be fixed schedule for every week and anychange in the meet will be intimated in advance.
Have an amazing week.
- Karthik R, Bangalore
Wonderful work, Karthik!
This week seems to be the most happening week of TISA. Another report from Chandigarh is on its way from Anoop.Well done Banglore!
Agenda for next week is also being posted with the report! This shows the planning that has gone while co-ordinating the meeting. Good luck guys...
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