April 16, 2016

Delhi SHG meeting invitation - 17th April

Delhi SHG Meet 17th April 

Venue : Janter Manter
Timing : 10.30 am to 1:30 pm 

Hosts :Ashish & Suraj

Agenda for the meeting

This would be an intense practice session where all the participant would need to follow speech rules.

1. Speak Loud and clear 
2. Maintain eye contact while talking
3. Keep your rate of speech slow and deliberate 

We would do some practices to tease our deepest fears and see if they really bite us?

We are not going to tell everything here---Do come and enjoy this experience!!!

See you tomorrow

Ashish and Suraj
9911817950/ 9654506719

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Yes, Ashish... Keep surprising PWS with new activities and challenges.. That is the surest way of keep growing..
Congrats from all of us..