My name is ritesh . i have a stammering problem fewdays ago only i came to know about the Tisa organisation, a social networking group for stammerer. I was really excited to know that we peoples are not alone in world who are fighting with our own personality that is stammering to me.I am from mumbai from the TISA site i took the phone no of romi sir.I tooked the no but as usual for stammerer we dont have a confidence to call him , instead of calling i messaged him for help. Romi sir is very humble and honest person ,romi sir promised me to meet on monday.I was very excited to meet him and to meet him personally. MONday came i met romi sir ,he shared many experience of his stammering but today ,he have controlled his stammering which can be seen.He explained me that stammering is not a physical problem , it is a physcological problem, stammering can be easily controlled by techniques the main thing is the confidence in a individual. The very difficult part is to accept that you stammer this will change your mental set up about your stammering .Romi sir told me to call at your home and say to your parents that you stammer,first i was frightened but then i called my mummy and i told her that i stammer. BY doing this afterward i realise that a mental pressure is removed from my mind, a burden is removed from my back which i was carrying. Then we did phone calls to call centers and i followed bouncing technique with them , i said to them sir mai hakkalata hun please phone mat rakhna , and then i started my conversation with them , then we called a channawala i did voluntary shuttering infront of him like " ek cccccccccccccchana dddddddddddddddena".Then romi sir gave me no of sachin sir i talked him on phone by following bouncing technique sachin sir was realy excited and he told me you are doing very well and keep it up.and here comes and end of my meeting on next monday romi sir have promised me to meet to teach me further. i will share my all exprience of this meeting also.
now you are on the right track ... keep going and going you will get your result definitively .Romi ji will surely help u a lot . I suppose you are also going to the chennai SHG ,this will prove to be a major step toward your success . you are practicing bouncing technique ,i am also practicing that you can call me also 09996774239
Well done Ritesh! Yes, talking about stuttering is the best thing that you can do.
Congrats to both you and Romi!
Help your "Self" through helping others..
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