Hi everyone!!!!
I hope you all are fine there.First let me say sorry for coming alive so late on TISA. :) . Ever since I became part of TISA my life gets turn i could not imagine.Earlier all negative thoughts were coming to my mind about life ,my career,my dear once & what not?
Thanks to TISA, Harish ,JP,Dr Sachin & numerous fellow friends who help me to be what I'm today.I know no one is perfect but we can always give it a try to be close to perfect. For me its like a magic which turns me upside down & showed me the way to move ahead. Since I was in Goa ,i always imagine to be in Mumbai cos being a mumbaikar i always wanted to be in Mumbai,with my family,with dear once.but i did not have courage to answer a interview call because of stammering. SO many calls I just could not get through my fear. One fine day i just sat on Goa beach & spoke to myself after so many years!!! My inner self just wanted to scream out. He told me to just go for it everything will be alright. & as far as stammering is concern,on phone u don't know other person & also he doesn't know you either . SO WHATS THE POINT TO WORRY???? I thought for a while & say thanks to myself.& then calling to the companies ,consultancies, friends , references started.got responses some negatives,some good responses.One company i called & response was very good. I came to Mumbai thinking of as if i already got what i want!!! Four rounds I completed with out any hassle,shortlisted for last round with MD of the company . I just went inside his cabin.We had a great discussion .After completion,he told me to wait outside & after five min gave me offer letter. SO relieved & happy that time. I think it all happens just because of my acceptance & to carry myself the way i'm. Now i'm in Mumbai again going to talk with my inner-self. I just wonder what new possibilities he wanted to offer me. Thank you TISA & my friends for much needed support . You are always my inspiration & always with me during my good & during my not so good days... Thanks Again!!!!!
Thanks to TISA, Harish ,JP,Dr Sachin & numerous fellow friends who help me to be what I'm today.I know no one is perfect but we can always give it a try to be close to perfect. For me its like a magic which turns me upside down & showed me the way to move ahead. Since I was in Goa ,i always imagine to be in Mumbai cos being a mumbaikar i always wanted to be in Mumbai,with my family,with dear once.but i did not have courage to answer a interview call because of stammering. SO many calls I just could not get through my fear. One fine day i just sat on Goa beach & spoke to myself after so many years!!! My inner self just wanted to scream out. He told me to just go for it everything will be alright. & as far as stammering is concern,on phone u don't know other person & also he doesn't know you either . SO WHATS THE POINT TO WORRY???? I thought for a while & say thanks to myself.& then calling to the companies ,consultancies, friends , references started.got responses some negatives,some good responses.One company i called & response was very good. I came to Mumbai thinking of as if i already got what i want!!! Four rounds I completed with out any hassle,shortlisted for last round with MD of the company . I just went inside his cabin.We had a great discussion .After completion,he told me to wait outside & after five min gave me offer letter. SO relieved & happy that time. I think it all happens just because of my acceptance & to carry myself the way i'm. Now i'm in Mumbai again going to talk with my inner-self. I just wonder what new possibilities he wanted to offer me. Thank you TISA & my friends for much needed support . You are always my inspiration & always with me during my good & during my not so good days... Thanks Again!!!!!
Yes Santosh, self help can do wonders if we are willing to give it a chance! Thanks for sharing your experiences about what being with a group of people who stammer can do for you! Mi jevha mumbai la yein teva tula bheten :-)
Hi Santosh!
Very happy to read this. I am the eye witness of all your childhood sufferings due to stammering. Low confidence level, hesitation, no mixing in group and what not!
But now see, the same SNATOSH!
Really very happy to see you with full of energies,confidence and values towards life.Keep it up my dear fried, God may always bless you with healthy, wealthy, protected, successful and peaceful life. Thank you.
Dear Santosh,
You will be missed dearly by all of us here in Goa. You brought in a spark in our meetings, participated with zeal in all the activities. Even if you couldn't come to meetings because of your tight schedules, you saw to it that you were in touch on phone!
Your passion to work on being a better self is and will be your greatest strength.
Nice photo by the way! Sweet memories from Goa... :) :)
@ JP Khup chhan. Tula mumbait bhetayala mala aawadel..
@Rupali, I know u are & you will be always with me. Thanks!!!
@ Harish I always felt there are lots many good things hapens to me iduring my stay in Goa!! I met U !! And Goa will be always my 2nd home.
Hello santosh ,first of all congratulation for your acheivment. i have recently joined this tisa group, i am from mumbai.
congratulations on your success and keep going with your confidence and courage
@Rupali- thanks for sharing your concerns and thoughts..Friends like you can us as much or even more than a speech therapist..
@santosh- Life will bring many ups and downs- Keep getting up and keep trying you.. and keep sharing your valuable experiences and thoughts.. and start the culture of meeting each other among Mumbai pws now.. You have Romi and others to help you..
We have received the same thing from you.
thank you.
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