November 29, 2010

Indore SHG Contact details

Amitsingh Kushwah (093009-39758)

Bharat Nema (

Pramendra Singh Bundela (
Noida phone number - 09654363005)

Time : 04.00 to 06.00 P.M. (Every Sunday)

Venue: Shivaji Park, Opposite to White Church, Indore (M.P.) BHARAT.

TISA Indore Office : Blind Boys Hostel, NAB Building,
Behind Bombay Hospital, Scheme No. 54, Indore (M.P.) 452 010 BHARAT.

e-mail :

TISA in Hindustan Times - Indore

- Amitsingh Kushwah,
Indore (M.P.)
Mobile NO. 093009-39758

November 28, 2010

Goa SHG Meeting and Online Cross-SHG Interaction

Rahul and I have been meeting regularly on Sundays off late. But today’s meeting I thought was worth a mention. Rahul was missing today, but I, Prakash and my cousin (Who is a paediatrician into his early forties) met at Nehru Park at 11.30 in the morning. 

We started by Prakash and I discussing and talking in b-b-bouncing technique. More often then not, we forgot to implement the bouncing technique as our speech progressed. We discussed ways to deal with such things. 

I then told Prakash about EFT technique about which Dr. Sachin had informed me. I demonstrated him the technique too. 

Later on we were joined by my cousin. He attended the meeting for the first time. He told us about his experiences with VIVA during his MBBS examinations and difficulties he faced because of stammering. He also spoke (and also demonstrated) various ways by which he now manages stammering while talking to patients personally, on phone or while giving public lectures. He shared a recent incident where he got a block while saying the word “secular”, and how he handled it by stopping… then breaking the word into three, and then chanting each part in mind first and then saying it… “Se.. (in mind) and then Se… (actually say it), cu… lar. 

He then also made Prakash and Me talk about something, and then made us repeat the same by applying techniques and talking slow. 

Interaction with Indore SHG 

Later on in the evening, I had an online interaction with the Indore TISA SHG members during their meeting. In a very interesting internet call, I interacted with Amit Singh, Pramendra and another girl, who is a non-PWS but attends the meetings to help the PWS. 

After Pune, I was delighted to hear that today’s Indore SHG was attended by a journalist from Hindustan Times who interacted with members, asked questions and will write an article by tomorrow or latest by Tuesday.

I expressed my compliments to all the members there before signing off… 

GIRLS AND BOYS interrupted

Here's the link to the article on TISA featured on Times of India, Sunday edition (28th November 2010) - 

Kudos to Pune SHG and Thanks to Sharmila Ganeshan for such a well-researched write up!


Today, Vibhor came with his father, for the second time- at regular time: 4 pm, Sunday, in Anugrah meeting hall. Vibhor is about 14 yrs. Studies in a local school and is at that stage in life, when negative responses from colleagues, parents, teachers and strangers are just beginning to get under his skin. He wants to change the way he talks- but every now and then, he starts laughing or gets side-tracked. Have you seen children, crying for a while and then, suddenly burst out laughing, seeing something or the other? It is difficult to work with children- but they certainly need help. This is time when they are developing sense and values of the world around them.
We enrolled the father too in the game: You can stutter in two ways: like Vibhor or Like Sharrukh. Which one would you prefer and why? This is how we introduce the child to "easy forward moving stutter", with better eye contact etc. Emphasis is on making him understand that we are not asking him to STOP stuttering. No way. In fact we are encouraging it.
Interestingly, father too has a fast way of talking which masks stammering. And he never accepts it in the presence of his son.. I hope to change attitudes of both father and son, someday soon, God willing...

November 27, 2010


Although sharing through writing is indeed important, sharing through speaking in case of PWS is all the more important!

Skype is a nice and free way to chat face to face. Dr. Sachin's Skype Id is "sachin.srivastava" and Nitin's is "n.tomer". TISA encourages you all to download Skype and chat with fellow PWS at mutually convenient time. I hear that there is also a conference facility in Skype where more than two PWS can talk!

Sachin and Nitin

Contributions Invited

Contributions Invited for Samvad (Vol 3). If you have any articles / poems / experiences which you would like to contribute to TISA's Newsletter Samvad, then do send in your contributions to-

English - 
Harish Usgaonker (

Hindi -
Amit Singh Kushwah ( )

You may also send your contributions (English / Hindi) to - Dr. Sachin ( ). 

Please send in your contributions by 20th December 2010. 

New Delhi First SHG Meet (Summary)

On 27 Nov 2010 myself, Mr. Jagdish Sharma, Mr. Lalit Pandey & one more person whose name is not being disclosed on his request formally met together in Central Park New Delhi at 1 PM for 2 hours. We started the meeting with formal introduction and after that we shared our experiences.


During the meet we discussed some of useful exercise and important tips. We also discussed the importance of "acceptance of stammering"


We dispersed after promising to meet after 15 days at the same time and venue. 

Please provide your suggestions & feedback. 

Gaurav Trivedi


November 26, 2010

SHG Meeting with TOI Senior Reporter Sharmila

On every forth nightly Thursday we have SHG meeting in our office. But on last thursday we had meeting outside our office. Because Sharmila (Senior Reporter of Times of India) wanted to join us and outsiders are not allowed to enter into campus during working days.

Sharmila is working for Sunday Times and also write article for Crest Edition, where she write some unusual communities of India. She is writing an article about stammering as part of our petition filed in court against Golmal - 3.

We met around 4 pm outside office on chai tapari . Initially we were three (Manpreet, Sharmila & me - Devang). She wanted to know what kind of activities we are doing in SHG meeting. We explained her B B Bouncing, Pro...longation and volunteer stuttering. We also explained about Meditation. Manpreet explained light contact. Then she asked us about school experience. Meanwhile Sunny & Mahesh joined us.

We shared our school & college experience like vi via, when teacher ask some question to us and we kept quite even though we knew answer. because if we answered correct with stammering then students laugh at us so sometimes we preferred put ourselves back.

Also Sunny found one interesting fact about CAT exam. Recently he had visited CAT site & there he found that there is separate quota for disabled people like low eye sight, deaf and mentally disabled. So he raised concern if PWS (person who stammer) crack CAT and will may fail in GD or PI because there doesn't have special quota & treated as normal candidate even though having speech impediment. Mahesh had also same experience. He had tried 2-3 times CAT.

Sharmila asked us good/ bad experience about stammering. Sometimes we missed on site opportunities, client interaction. Experienced lots of interview problems while searching for job. Sometimes HR told that they can not hire us because of stammering.

We also explained what people belief about stammering. what people think about People who stammer. We explained some experiences those we had during Communication Workshop in October in Pune. People have some disbelief about stammering. After heard some disbelief she really laughed. We also shared some good experience of Anshul & till the time Anshul came there.

He also shared good experience of college and bad experience of stammering during school. That experience has bad impact on his mind till now. We also explained how child's life impacted by one bad experience regarding stammering. That's why we protest against movie like Golmaal -3. Children laugh at person who stammer they don't know what they are doing they just copied acting and that impact a lot child who stammer.

We also shared that some kind of awareness required in parent & society. Generally parent not talking about child's stammering. Its happen only in India, as Anshul had been in US for long time, he had seen there is acceptance of stammers in US.

We end up our meeting with photographs.

That was really good SHG meeting, in that meeting we even didn't try about techniques but we feel good because someone heard us and about our stammering for almost 2.5 hours. Generally stammers want to say but they didn't say because of stammering, but there we spoke almost 2.5 hours. Really Good Experience. :)

We really enjoyed and Sharmila also enjoyed a lot, that's good part of SHG. Because in SHG not only stammers enjoy but also normal person enjoy a lot. . .

November 25, 2010

Rs 20,000 fee for stammering "cure"

I was doing a little bit of search on Internet about the fee for stammering "cure". I came across this page:

I was surprised that it did not mention the fee. Just gave a phone number - 09815002267. I phoned and mentioned that I wish to refer some children who stammer (- true actually-). The doctor sahab told me- it is twenty sittings of 2-2.5 hours spread over 20 or more days; each sitting costing Rs 1000. Total course will cost Rs 20,000 and it will reduce stammering to 90% plus. If follow up needed (rarely), its cost is included in Rs 20,000.

I wonder, why did Dr Dyal Chhabra does not put this information on the fee page of their website? Just wondering.

Also wondering why none of the Indian speech therapists, who charge Rs 20,000 for 20 sessions, will never protest unscientific, unethical portrayal of stammering in media? Do they think, that their clinic is the whole of their world?

It is very heart warming to see how the SLPs and Stammering associations in other countries are gearing up to rectify the mis-representation of basic facts about stammering in the movie "King's Speech".

Bravo Indore!

Just in case, if anyone has problem, above is the coverage.

November 24, 2010

दैनिक भास्कर, इंदौर में टीसा

इंदौर में टीसा के स्वयं सहायता समूह के बारे में दैनिक भास्कर, इंदौर ने एक रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित की है. जिसे इस लिंक से देखा जा सकता है.

Amitsingh Kushwah,
Indore, Bharat.
Mobile No. 093009-39758

November 23, 2010

A Biased Coverage
This is perhaps the most biased story of all that I have seen so far covering TISA petition. Media I always thought was an impartial platform with a balanced view. This post compels me to think twice! A couple of lines from the article-

"The trailers of the movie also showed the character of Shreyas Talpade stammering while his friends making fun of him. But, there was no objection from any organization at that point of time. Now, as the movie has succeeded at the Box office, TISA has sent a legal notice."

"Well, we agree with Shreyas because a new trend has started these days where people start creating problems or raising problems whenever a film becomes successful. This has become an easy way to be in the limelight!"

I request to post your comments on this link as well, condemning such a biased coverage.

November 22, 2010

A Therapist who truly cares

TISA was very happy to read this comment from an American Speech therapist on our on line petition:
As the executive director of the American Institute for Stuttering in New York City and a speech therapist who helps those who stutter I find this film offensive. We have devoted our lives to help those who stutter, to educate an uniformed public, and to change public perception of those who stutter. This movie, from viewing of the trailor, appears to support that riducule of those who stutter is okay, that people who stutter are of lesser intelligence (untrue completely), and supports that it is okay to make fun of those with a neurologically/physically based disorder. I am pleased that this Friday, November 26th, in the United States, the King's Speech is being relased. This movie depicts King George VI, a person who stutters, with dignity and respect. You can see the struggle and frustration that is involved and realize that it is no laughing matter. I am hoping we can all continue to spread a message of acceptance and to understand the great courage and strength that people who stutter have.
(Chamonix Sikora)

November 21, 2010

A ray of Hope

A petition filed in the High Court. The plea is laughed at, brushed off and is little supported by the general public. The petitioner is firm in his beliefs and is not deteriorated by such a response. He sees this as an opportunity to create awareness about his problem. He reaches out to people and talks about his problem – a problem that is not understood by “General People”.

Does this story sound familiar? It’s not the story of The Indian Stammering Association, but it’s the story of the recently released – “Guzaarish”.

I am glad that the Hindi film industry has some hope with film-makers like Sanjay Leela Bhansali. And co-incidentally, the movie has released right on time. I say it’s the right time because it’s at a time when TISA’s petition has been filed, and very much like the euthanasia plea in Guzaarish, the petition has been laughed at and written off. If you feel disheartened because of this, then do not drop your shoulders. Do watch this movie. The way the character “Ethan” tells about his sufferings to people who do not understand his pain is simply superb and inspiring.

When TISA filed the petition, I tried to speak about it with a few of my colleagues. I was also laughed at, and was met with a disappointing response. A few responses were as ridiculous as –

1)     The Film-makers themselves must have paid the association.

2)    It’s only for fund-raising and publicity.

3)     Such things are seeds of terrorism.

But we took this as an opportunity to speak out about our problems with our comments on the news articles. We have already posted our answers to all the questions raised by media. We do not want stereotyping people who stammer as socially and intellectually deficient people for cheap laughter. We as children have suffered being victims of mockery and bully. We have also experienced those embarrassing moments while watching such movies with friends / families. It does have a BIG impact on the minds. It affects, and affects big time!

In Kaminay also, there is one scene where stammering is mocked at. A group of people talk about the two twin brothers, and on learning that both the twins have speech impediments, one of them mocks at them by saying – “Ek totla aur ek hakla….” And all of them have a hearty laugh.

Yes, this is again mockery, but this was portrayed as one of the sufferings of those twin brothers. At the same time, the film makers have shown in the movie how Stammering affects the protagonist and isolates him from others. How when a girl asks him to tell a story, just because she is amused by the way he stuttered, hurts him. These are the kind of problems the PWS goes through, and are well depicted.

After watching Guzaarish, it gives me hope. Hope that Bollywood is still not gone to dogs, and there are a few good film makers. Secondly, it gives me hope that we should take this as an opportunity and make ourselves heard and at the same time be firm in our beliefs. Whatever is the verdict, at the end of the day, we would have educated a few hundreds of people out of a billion. 

November 19, 2010

TISA's response to Comments in Media

In the first week of November 2010, we shared our views and the grounds of our petition, with the leading media houses. But nothing ever surfaced. Now suddenly the news is all over and it shares the view point of the makers of Golmaal 3. Veiled doubts have been raised about our motives and seriousness. While the matter is certainly sub-judis, here is our response to some of these questions raised in media.

1. Such films have been made in the past, why is TISA objecting now?

TISA got registered as a public charitable trust only in November 2009. It was not humanly possible to screen and react to every movie; In any case, we positively appreciate the sensitive, balanced and objective portrayal of stammering in movies like Ajab Prem ki Gajab Kahani, Kaminey, Jhutha hi sahi. These movies do not portray stammering as a constant source for teasing, cheap laughter and stereotyping of people who stammer as socially and intellectually deficient people. In Golmaal 3, stammering character is not the hero (as claimed by Shreyas in the news item in Mumbai Mirror) and is only a character introduced to evoke laughter, in a cast full of characters. He is constantly being made fun of for his speech.

2. If not this, what else could create comedy?
We do not believe that laughter has to be evoked at the cost of some or the other disability. There have been many good comedies (the original Golmaal, Chupke Chupke, Jaane Bi Do yaaron - to name a few). Comedy could be based on situations rather than on people's appearance, speech, walk and such characteristics over which they may have no or little control. A difference has to be made in what is clearly a disease or a disability on one hand and on the other, peculiarities, which are not considered a health condition. While other disabilities (like blindness and paraplegia) evoke a thoughtful response in society, stammering unfortunately often evokes laughter. This is why, we think, stammering should receive a better treatment as Dyslexia received in Taare Zamin Par, and Paraplegia in Guzaarish: sensitive, balanced and objective portrayal. There is already a social stigma against stammerers, why worsen it through such negative stereotyping?

Secondly, many people and movies assume that stammering is a habit, just lack of self-confidence, a funny emotional thing etc. For last few years it has been known that it is not so- that it is a neurological condition based in BIOLOGY. Read this article at British Stammering Association:

Further, teasing and bullying of children and even adults who stammer, makes their problems worse. Golmaal 3 clearly sends a message out: it is okay to tease a person about his/her stammer. Read this article to learn about the role teasing/ bullying plays in evolution of stammering in childhood and adolescence :

Therefore many schools are supposed to have clearcut “no-tolerance” policy, certainly in west. Look at these links:

3. It should be seen just as a comedy film. Why spoil the fun?
TISA does not wish to infringe on anyone's right to watch any movie. If a certain section insists and likes, there could be Golmaal 4, 5, 6, and 7! To quote a mainstream review:

“The film's trailer blatantly lays the onus on the viewer...
"You liked Golmaal and Golmaal Returns, here have some more! You can't really blame us, your behavior showed your preference." So, now we can't even blame the makers, eh? Oh well...” (link)

We have nothing against the actors or the movie makers. But the movie begins with an apology to the dog:
"The dog used in one of the sequences in the film is a dummy and no harm was done to the real dog."
Well, this dog sequence lasted hardly for a few minutes in the whole film. But the poking of fun at the mute and stammering character, continues through out the film. And there is not a single line of apology anywhere!

4. The poking of fun on stammering was not intentional..
Can anyone believe, if one said that the use of the dog called facebook, was not intentional? The frequent mocking of stammering and the mute character, was not intentional, but just crept in as a last minute improvisation? a last minute inspiration of creativity? Just an accident while shooting?
If so, why the apology to Animal rights groups in the beginning of the movie? and why not to the people who stammer and who are mute? No, use of stammering and its mocking, to produce cheap laughter is an integral, intentional part of the movie Golmaal 3. To this, we object.

5. TISA is trying to ban the movie: No, our humble request is to edit out such scenes and re-release, if possible. At the very least, accept that it is ethically wrong, damaging to self-respect of people with disabilities, and in poor taste.

We are just demanding that stammering be treated as a disability and with a sense of social responsibility for above mentioned medical reasons. 10-15% of India's 45 crore children stammer. 2-3 % of adults stammer. We are a significant minority and wish to be treated like other citizens- with dignity. (Please read the comments left behind by the signatories to our petition addressed to “censor board”.)


Hi, this is my Project-9 at ToastMasters, for which it was adjudged the Best Prepared Speech.

November 18, 2010

Just Heard..

That an association of "normal" people is livid and is planning to slam TISA with a law-suit:

"This upstart of TISA is violating our inalienable human right to laugh at stammerers and mute people! What do they mean? If we cant laugh at stammerers, mute, blind, deaf people, what is left to laugh at??"

A particular movie production house is gleefully rubbing their hands together and planning Golmaal 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to the series of "n" for "n" number of Deepawalis in India and wherever Indian diaspora may be. Overseas rights have already been negotiated.

The association also have plans of launching a national political party, with aims to come to power through alliance with other like minded regional parties (Parties which want to laugh at regional complexions, accents, dress, customs and food etc.). Once in power, it plans to bring in necessary constitutional amendments. Right to laugh at disabilities will be enshrined among the core principles of Indian constitution.

The spokesperson of the association said: We will start a revolution of sorts. Everyone will be laughing and mocking everyone else. Total & bindaas democracy. There will be mirth and merriment in the air. Tourism will have a record growth of more than 15%. Foreigners who cant mock people back at home, will flock to India. There will be special "mocking malls" in all the big and small cities. People (and children) with any kind of disability or difference will be on display. A global change will come. Other nations will join and laugh at India. Indians will laugh at each other. This constant static of merriment emanating from earth, into outer space will attract even aliens. They too will come, join and laugh and mock..

Regarding movies, the spokesperson was quite clear: movies like Tare Zamin Par, Guzaarish etc. will be banned, because they spoil the taste of growing children. Movie like Golmaal 3 will receive state support and will be nominated for Oscars. There will be subsidised screening of movies like Golmaal 3 in the slums and other lagging regions- so that they catch up with rest of the country. Censor board will be dismantled. In a perfect democracy, where creativity is guaranteed full expression, what need is there for censor? The only censor board would be the "box office". Whichever movie does good collection at box office will be nominated for Filmfare awards; and if they break records at box office by mocking disabled people- all the better: they will be nominated for Oscars.

People who stammer and are currently in wrong professions like doctors, nurses, teachers, IT, Engineering, Law, Administration, Defense etc. - will be relocated and retrained for the role they were truly born for: Public entertainment!! They will be accommodated in Bollywood, Ramleela committee, theater, Television ("mocking breaks" at prime time!) etc. They will provide much needed break from the tedium of daily life in a Shining India of 21st century.

Some one in a spirit of pure fun, will then, paraphrase the famous poet:
Where the mind is led downwards by unbridled freedom and 'creativity', into ever-sequeling Golmaal of cinematic brilliance & values..
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake...

Friends, no offense meant to anyone! This idea of writing a funny and imaginary piece came to me as I was browsing comments in various forum! Because some comments sounded like this: Dont tinker with our right to laugh at stammering! Dont tinker with our right to make films which laugh at stammering and mute people- because this is creativity, pure entertainment, simple fun etc.. I just took these lines a little further. Sorry, if it offends anyone..but I am trying to make a point. A difficult one. Hope it is clear.

Bolly Versus Holly?

Friends- I had been feeling something in my guts for sometime- and today I found a write up about it: "Why Bollywood produces the most films and the least awards."
Found it quite interesting.


Dear Friends,
Good Afternoon,
At first I feel sorry for delay in posting the report because of some pre- occupations.
On 14.11.2010 saturday afternoon at 12.30 pm myself, Mr. Prem from Fazilka, Mr. Prem Nath from Dhuri, Miss Jaspreet, Mr. Ishan, Mr. Dhruv and Mr. JP Sunda met at sector 33 park Chandigarh. This time we had the maximum strength, though we missed our commited worker Mr. Mohit , who was away to Pathankot with some work. As usual we started the meet with laughter session. We welcomed the new members Mr. JP and Mr. Dhruv in the group. We did two meditations for relaxation and strenthening of brain, followed by exercise to relax the speech organs. Then everyone shared jokes and we had hearty laugh. Mr. JP introduced three games viz. nani pani, 2 truth 1 lie and word association , which we all enjoyed. Each one of us asked the other members questions standing from a distant place in a louder voice and answers were also given in loud voice to open up our speech organs. Jaspreet being winner in nani pani game also obliged us by singing a sweet song. To keep ourself pampered we undertook to undertake any activity which is close to our heart. Mr. JP has done value additions to the group, which was appreaciated by all. It was desired by all that we should have an early workshop, to which I assured to have a talk with Dr. Sachin.We dispersed with promise to meet coming sunday.
jasbir sandhu,
Cell 99150 06377

Good Afternoon

November 16, 2010

Petition Update

Time for an update on our petition, against Golmaal 3 in Nainital high court -

The three week notice given by the honorable Judge ends on 20th Nov. So far we have not heard anything from the film-makers or censor board. After 20th, we will proceed and press for stay on screening of the movie..

After 20th, we will also try to give the on-line petition to as many regional offices of Censor board as possible.This will be a parallel movement to encourage IPWS to come out and insist on their right to be heard, by censor board, in the spitit of constitition of India..

Right now the number of signatures in our petition stands at 500 odd; we need to at least double this number if we want to make Censor Board, Ministry of I&B and High Court to take us seriously.

I guess most of us have already signed the petition; so now is the time to forward the petition link to our family/friends/colleagues and ask them to sign them the petition and also to forward it to their contacts.
Please do this; we need numbers :-)

Here is the link to petition -


Rights less than Dogs' !

I have two dogs and I love them. So, I was suitably impressed by the opening lines in Golmaal 3 (see the pic above):
"The dog used in one of the sequences in the film is a dummy and no harm was done to the real dog."
How thoughtful! Well, this dog sequence lasted hardly for a few minutes in the whole film. But the poking of fun at the mute and stammering character, continues through out the film. And there is not a single line of apology anywhere. Could the Golmaal-3 team not put just one line at the beginning like: Making fun of people with disabilities is not our intention. However if anyone is hurt, we apologize." ??

I am amazed at the insensitivity of Mr Rohit Shetty, Mr Dhillin Mehta and SHREE ASHTAVINAYAK CINE VISION LTD- the entire team. There are more than 3-5 crore people, including children, who stammer and who may be mute too. How would they feel sitting through 2.5 hours of the comedy based on their disability? Are films made only for able bodied, "normal" people? Are films certified only for "normal" people and children? And if so, what will they learn from such a movie? that teasing people who stammer or who are mute, is okay? is acceptable?

Do we have rights less than dogs?

November 14, 2010

Pune SHG-14 Nov 2010

we met at the same venue. This time, we had two new members viz.Saurabh and Viraj. Saurabh is an MBA grad, and a trained singer. Viraj is an Engineer with an year of experience, now trying for his MS from states. Rupesh also joined us. we four chatted for a long time. we spoke various problems each of us are facing, which are aggravated by stammer. I explained them about the TISA's mantra, and about the activities we do at SHG. Saurabh then sang a song for us, which was nothing less than a professional singer.

we dispersed after promising to meet next week at the same time and venue.

Media update

Mumbai Mirror

Dainik Jagran (Dehradun)

Canadian Stammering Association
Stuttering brain

Stuttering hub

That time of the year!!

Hi all,

As promised last year on Christmas by some of us, it is again the time to reflect back on the year gone by and for our yearly appraisal :-). Sachin, Nitin and me would be meeting again (24th, 25th and 26th December) at herbertpur ( 35 kms away from Dehradun )this year to look back and also plan for future..And surely we will have fun too! (may be a trek or outing).

Do contact Sachin, nitin or me, if you plan on joining.


November 12, 2010

'संवाद' के लिए आमंत्रण

टीसा के न्यूज़लेटर 'संवाद' के दो अंक हम आप तक पंहुचा चुके है. अपने ताजा अंक में हमने हिंदी सेक्सन की शुरूआत की है. इस तरह हम अधिक से अधिक लोगों से जुड़ना चाहते हैं. 'संवाद' के आगामी अंक में हम पाठकों से उनके विचार, सुझाव और अनुभव को शामिल करना चाहते हैं.

अगर पाठक हिंदी में अपने आलेख और अनुभव भेजना चाहें तो उन्हें प्रकाशित करने में हमें प्रसन्नता होगी. यह जरूरी नहीं की आप एक लेखक की तरह लिख पाए आप जिस रूप में भी हकलाहट दोष के बारे में हिंदी में लिख सकते हैं, लिखकर ई-मेल द्वारा भेज दें, हम उन्हें उचित स्थान देंगे.

साथ ही हकलाहट दोष के बारे में कोई कविता, कहानी या सक्सेस स्टोरी देना चाहें तो वह भी दे सकते है. हिंदी में अपनी रचनाएँ पर मेल करें.

Amitsingh Kushwah,
Indore (M.P.)
Mobile No. 093009-39758

November 11, 2010

The Ice-breaker

Dear Friends, 

Yesterday (16th November), I delivered my first speech (Project 1) in the Goa Toastmaster's Club. It was followed with a pleasant surprise, because it was later announced that I was voted as the best speaker of the day! It gave me a great deal of confidence to start my Toastmaster's career by having voted as the "Best Speaker". I was elated...

It was certainly a confidence booster. I have no words to express my gratitude towards my friends, my friends in TISA, and my fellow members of Toastmasters club for all the encouragement... 

Manohar, you pioneered the way to Toastmaster's. Mr. Jasbir Sandhu you took the same path and showed us that we all can excel in it... You both inspired me in my journey with Toastmasters, which I am now looking forward to continue...

(Speech Video Embedded)

November 10, 2010

My new chandigarh number

Hi all,

I have permanently moved to chandigarh. Plz note down my new number : 9915686678.


November 9, 2010

Getting married

Hi Friends,
I am happy to announce that i am getting married on Nov 28th 2010. The marriage will be in Patna, Bihar.
Treat this as my personal invitation, please do come and grace the occasion.

sujit,, 9011067069

TISA initiates a Self Help Group in Indore (M.P.)

Indore. The Indian Stammering Association (TISA) has initiated a self-help group(SHG) in the city of Indore. The group has been initiated by Amitsingh Kushwah and Parmendrasingh Bundela. The group meetings are being held every Sunday evening 4 to 6 pm.

To join the SHG in Indore, you may contact Amitsingh Kushwah (093009-39758) or Pramendrasingh Bundela (98932-17177) e-mail :

November 8, 2010

Golmaal 3 – Or should I say Tod Maal?

Rohit Shetty is back again with the third version of his Golmaal series. The promos did give a clear indication that it would again be that “forget-your-brain-at-home” kind of movie. But are the audience that stupid? Or is the Director stupid? Golmaal 3 is a clumsy effort of making people laugh… Sheer waste of money and of course – talent!

Shot in Goa, the story revolves around two notorious groups of siblings – Gopal [Ajay Devgan] and his brother Laxman [Shreyas Talpade] and their best friend Daboo [Kareena Kapoor], and Madhav [Harshad Warsi] and his two brothers, Laxman [Kunal Khemu] and Lucky [Tusshar Kapoor]. They incidentally end up starting the same kind of business financed by two different underworld gangsters [Johny Lever and Tiwari] and in trying to outdo each other, find themselves in serious quarrels which are supposedly funny!

In between the quarrels, the Mother [Geeta – Ratna Pathak Shah] and Father [Pritam – Mithun Chakrawarthy] remember their 30-year old incomplete love story and decide to marry. The marriage invites more (to audiences’ dismay) quarrels… and the rest is… no not history, but forgotten.

Claimed to be a laugh riot, Golmaal 3 seems to rely upon cheap comedy like tumbling cars, breaking stalls, shops and glasses, pants falling down and slaps. The dialogs also look like they have been borrowed from a book of children’s jokes or comics -“Jiske ghar sheeshe ke hote hai, woh basement mein kapde change karte hai” and referring an aged man as “Doobti hui Titanic”… to mention a few.

During the entire movie I could only see things breaking and cars flying and bursting and people thrown in the air as if they are made of paper. In fact there is nothing that is not left broken in this movie. They didn’t even spare the fingers! The movie would have been better named if it was called – Tod Maal.

Of the cast, Ajay Devgan and Harshad Warsi are the most noticeable, but yet they can perform little apart from shouting aloud. The other lot of actors are all great actors, but they have very little to show their talent. Even the veterans- Mithun and Ratna Pathak Shah are wasted. Technically, the kinds of stunts shown are seen a zillion times in Hindi movie. The story- well there is none! There is certainly a better way to make people laugh! You don’t need to break tens of dozens of cars and tens of stalls. If you don’t believe me Mr. Rohit Shetty, then watch Golmaal by Hrishikesh Mukherjee and learn a lesson or two about quality humour.

In the pretext of mockery on stammering and disabilities-
We know a public litigation has been filed against Golmaal 3 for it’s mockery on stammering. And the decision stands vindicated. To give a glimpse, the PWS is referred to as the “Speed-Breaker”. The mockery still continues with dialogues like – “Jab cricket khelne jayega, toh 20-20 ki jagah 200-200 kehlega” and “Doosra toh bo-bo-bo-bo-bolte bolte shaadi ho jayegi…”.

The mockery is also towards dumb people. What effect are we trying to have on children’s minds when an aged person is referred as – “Doobti hui Titanic”? All I can say is – Grow up!!
With regards to the petition, I was looking for any apologies during the screening of Golmaal 3. All I could notice was an usual disclaimer - "All characters in this film are fiction and blah blah...". And another one that says - "The dog used in this movie is a dummy, and no cruelty is commited towards any animal...." It's amazing how the director and the producer are more worried about animal cruelty, and are not even concerned about humans disabilities, its mockery and the impact on their minds! Well, atleast he has made all the dogs happy!

ABC of Advocacy..

Here are some random thoughts on advocacy, especially self advocacy ie. being advocates for our own issues.

1. You must have an opinion. There may be no law supporting it at the moment BUT, your constitution gives you a RIGHT to have an opinion. And this opinion should be well considered and firm- not swayed by the first criticism on or off Internet!

2. Share and discuss your opinion and concerns with others: talk, write, talk-talk, write-write..Use every conceivable means to spread your thoughts- web, newspaper, Footer of your email, write to other blogs, start one; write letters to editors or officers concerned (more)..
But remain respectful during discussions. You dont want to violate somebody else's human rights to differ, in order to defend your human rights, do you? At all times, Expect that hardly one percent of human beings will welcome a new idea, especially if it involves personal change or action, however small even if signing a petition.. (talk to Nitin Tomar about this!)

3. Next, find out the legal position. Is there any law or right being violated here? Remember, anything which diminishes your right to a life of Human dignity is violation of your Human rights.

4. Get in touch with a Civil society organization (voluntary agency) specializing in advocacy work. Work with them- help them with research and mobilize your community. Plan long term and plan strategically.

5. Work with media judiciously. Dont ignore them.

Above all, you must have an OPINION and inner strength to state it PUBLICLY. Otherwise you have no case.. and lastly, since you want others to understand and support you, be open to other people's concerns and issues- and support them, whenever you can.. It is two way street.

Finally learn, learn, LEARN. (more)
PS: self-advocacy is the best "speech therapy", you can ever have.

November 7, 2010


Dear Friends,
Good Afternoon,
0n 07.11.2010 sunday afternoon at 3 pm myself, Mr. Mohit, Mr. Prem and a new entry in the group Miss Jaspreet kaur met at sector 33 park. In first Pic there is Mr. Prem, Miss Jaspreet and myself. In second Pic there is Mr. Mohit , Miss Jaspreet and myself. We welcomed jaspreet in the group. Jaspreet has done B.Sc. Nursing and is preparing for IAS. With the induction of a lady we hope that the group will become more responsible. The meeting started with laughter session. After that we did 2 meditations for relaxation and strenghthening of brain , followed by exercises to relax speech organs. Then we read paras from newspapers in slow prolongation method. Need for total acceptance of our problem from heart was again reiterated, which is a must and first step towards recovery. The need for purity of life was also discussed , which releases much of stress and ultimately helps in smooth speech. Voluntry stuttering was also practised. We all pledged to devote at least 1 hour daily for our speech. All shared their experiences. The group remained together for around 2 hours . As all the time most of the talk was done by undersigned only. Each member was requested to participate more next time. Further members were also requested to motivate their known PWS to join the group.
The meeting ended with laughter session and promise to meet next sunday. We dispersed after hot tea.
jasbir sandhu,
Cell 99150 06377


7th nov'10-this was the evening,i was waiting since a sarvodaya colony park,1st shg MEERUT meeting took place with positive note .few days back i got a call from a pws,a mechanical engineer from gaziabad.he wanted to talk about stammer.i told him it would better if we could have a meeting.fortunately, he had some relative in meerut ,today he had come to see them.after introducing ourself.we started to share our experinences.he wanted to get rid of his stammerso that he could have bright future.while talking to him slowly i started to tell aboutthe basics of stammering i learnt at workshop conducted on jan'10.i told him about bouncing,prolongation,voluntary stuttering and ofcourse about acceptance.we shared our views on fluency and commuincation.we were agree that it is communication which matters not how much fluent we are.we both are chronic covert stammerers and we agreed on we have to work on that.we discussed paper of russ hicks on acceptance which proved to be very good starter.later we talked about shg,its importance and benefits of helping other.i showed him the quotation related to stammering which i clicked at workshop when at vikas nagar.i introduced him with tisa,its website and last he said that he was feeling much lighter and hopeful after this session.with two person on board today our shg meerut boat sailed....

November 6, 2010

Society changes- Bollywood stays the same..

We dont wish to gloat but many more reviews are confirming what TISA said 2 weeks back. Will the movie makers take note of this fact that we as society are not amused by poking fun at mute, stammerers, blind people? Here is another review:

"..Slowly but surely humor turns to futility especially in the films of recent times be it Bollywood or Tollywood or what ever wood it is. Director Rohit Shetty wagered around with mere insertion of farce uncalled for, in the film Golmaal 3. The viewers are forced to tickle their own ribs for the cash they paid. At times the buffoonish deeds of the stars caused irritation. Should the films steep down to the extent that the dumb and stammering individuals are sneered at for the sake of the funny side? Anyways it's a film after all. One has to bear at the cost of his/her patience." More.

One more review..

November 5, 2010

Shall we watch Golmaal 3?

I was planning to watch Golmaal 3 so that my opposition to the treatment it gave to stammering, would rest on a stronger footing. Of course, the promos which I have seen on you tube, is enough to DAMN the movie, from my point of view: making such crass fun of disabilities is unacceptable in this day and age. We deserve more creative, inclusive and mature humor, as a society.

Then, I saw this review; I am quoiting some parts. This main stream review further proves (if at all needed) that it is a poorly made pathetic movie, out to make some money - because, I guess, the movie maker assumes: viewers will consume anything during festival season!

"Negative Points:

I am helpless and not able to understand from where I have to start!

Bollywood is trying triple sequel for the first time ever with Golmaal 3 and one feels sad that we are entering this new stage with this type of crap. If Director Rohit thinks that car accidents, destroying of shops and houses, finger breaking (Ajay broke almost more than 10 fingers in whole movie), extremely loud dialogues and action without reason is comedy then he really needs to quite movie making.

Worst thing of the movie is its screenplay. Golmaal means fraud, missing identities, lies and trying to hide something. But, unfortunately movie does not have any fake identity, no fraud for quick money and no cheating. Audience enters in the hall with the expectations of nonstop comedy but true comedy is hardly there. Yes lots of emotional scenes between Mithun and Ratna catch the audience attraction but we are not watching Golmaal for emotions and serious cinema.

No story at all. Movie starts with introduction of all characters. Then Johny lever’s necklace stealing and hiding in Mithun’s bag. Then love story of both old characters then fight between all boys and movie ends. That’s it. If it is a screenplay then I have 10 screenplays in my bag which are better than this.

OK, everything I can forget if we are laughing in every second scene. But, unfortunately Golmaal is not able to make you laugh. At least I can’t laugh on unnecessary action, car chasing and finger breaking. If you love them may be you will enjoy."


November 4, 2010

Learning Disabilities

I was invited by Azim Premji Foundation, to dscuss learning disabiliies in a Tecaher's conference on 3rd November at Arakot (Tiuni), on the border of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. About 50 teachers were present. I discussed role of poor vision, poor hearing, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, ADHD, Tourrette syndrome, Stammering, other social issues (eg. single parent) leading to emotional issues, which affect class room intercations.

I discovered that the teachers (barring few) have very low awareness on these issues. Stereotypes abound. They have little access to good, balanced, objective and latest information on these "marginal" issues. Teacher should have been the first and most important pillar of our society- but realities of life. politics and governance have pushed her and him to the periphery!

I showed them the video clips dealing with Tourrette syndrome and stammering. I also showed them Golmaal 3 promo, followed by video clips of genuine appeal by two PWS. The vast difference in the two: the way mainstream media stereotypes a stammerer- contrasted by the reality out there, the way a genuine PWS talks on camera, was very obvious and the audience was stunned. TISA, besides advocacy (legal and online), should promote awareness and education, wherever it can. Unless people know that stammering is a disease, that genes responsible for it have been identified, they will go on believing that it is a "laughable habit". And children who stammer, will continue to be teased and bullied.

PS: Soon after reaching there- unhon ne mujhe topi pehna di! (see the Himachali cap on my head!). I thank Azim Premji Foundation and all the teachers for their hospitality and interest.

November 2, 2010

हकलाना दूर करने का मंत्र . . . !

प्रिय साथियों!

हकलाहट दोष के बारे में इन्टरनेट पर सर्च करते समय आजतक न्यूज़ चैनल में एक वीडिओ मिला है. जिसका लिंक यहाँ पर दे रहा हूँ.

यहाँ एक अहम् सवाल यह है कि क्या आज भी हम इन अंधविश्वासों पर कैसे यकीन कर रहे हैं और क्यों न्यूज़ चैनल इस तरह की बातों को बढ़ावा दे रहे हैं?

"वाणी मंत्र का प्रयोग हकलाना दूर करने के लिए किया जाता है. इस मंत्र को संध्‍या समय 7 दिन तक लगातार तीन बार उच्‍चारण करने से हकलाना कम होता है. मंत्र है: नारायणं नमस्‍कृत्‍य, नरं चैव नोत्तमम्, देवीं सरस्‍वतीं व्‍यासम्, ततो वाणीमुदीरयेत्"

- Amit Singh Kushwah,
Indore (Bharat)
Mo. 093009-39758

November 1, 2010


Dear Friends,

Good Afternoon,

On 30.10.2010 I gave my third speech in Chandigarh Toastmasters Club and was awarded the Best Speaker Prize. My topic was Sting Operation, its background, necessity, types , its problems and present position.

Please watch the video and offer comments.

jasbir sandhu, chandigarh.

cell 99150 06377

हकलाहट मजाक का विषय नहीं है . . . !

'गोलमाल ३' फिल्म के मामले में सचिन सर और नितिन जी ने जो पहल की है वह सराहनीय है. आजकल लगभग हर हिंदी फिल्म में पात्रों से हकलाहट का अभिनय करवाकर जबरन हास्य पैदा करने की कोशिश की जा रही है. हकलाने वाले लोगों को मूर्ख और मजाक का पात्र समझाना दुखद और अमानवीय है.

मै अकसर सोचता था की फिल्मों में हकलाहट दोष से सम्बंधित दृश्य और संवाद नहीं दिखाए जाने चाहिए. अगर दिखाना ही है तो यह दिखाया जाना चाहिए कि कैसे हकलाहट दोष की बाधा को पार कर लोग हर छेत्र में काम कर रहे हैं और सामान्य बोलने वालों के साथ कंधे से कन्धा मिलकर चल रहे हैं.

तीसा के द्वारा जो कोशिश की गई है उससे फिल्म बनाने वालों को एक बार सोचने पर बाध्य होना पड़ेगा की हकलाहट वास्तव में क्या है, और यह मजाक का विषय नहीं हो सकता. मेरा तो यह सुझाव है की सभी साथी 'गोलमाल ३' के निर्माता, निर्देशक, लेखक और फिल्म सेंसर बोर्ड को अलग-अलग पत्र लिखकर अपनी नाराज़गी जाहीर करे जिससे आगे चलकर कोई हकलाने वालों को मजाक के तौर पर फिल्म में प्रस्तुत न करे.

- अमितसिंह कुशवाह,
इंदौर मध्य प्रदेश (भारत)
मोबाइल : 0 9 3 0 0 9 - 3 9 7 5 8

विकलांगता से सम्बंधित मेरे एक ब्लॉग पर आपका स्वागत है.