Many of us, after desensitization and having learned a few techniques, often wonder: What next? Where do I go and practice my new communication skills? Many pws keep waiting for the “right opportunity”. Some, smart ones, create these opportunities by inventing a social role for themselves.
Pankaj, a young man
from Almora, has done Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and is now
preparing for competitions. I met him a year ago- then again, he
visited me at SMTA sometime back. We discussed a few basic ideas
about stepping out of comfort zone. He was also active in MOOC 3
Then, as it happens
frequently, we lost touch; we were busy in our own mad worlds.
Yesterday, I received a phone call from him, followed up by some
pictures on whatsapp. He had followed ONE idea to its fruition.

Above all, he felt
that he was connected to an idea bigger than himself. He was feeling
happy and fulfilled. No therapy, could have given him this feeling
and this sense of achievement and Self-confidence- he was convinced.
How did he do this?
He identified a social need, he created a role for himself and
stepped into it, without worrying about - “Mujhe kya milega?”
(What will I get out of this?).

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