April 16, 2015

I need your advice

Friends, I have 2 issues :-

1.) I stammer more when I have to ask favour / help from others.

2.) just before speaking a word , my mind breaks it into pieces and makes it very difficult to speak. Ex.- cement = ce+ment. How to transcend this? Plz comment your advice.:)

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

1. The world is a two way street. If we help others, others too will help us. With this confidence at the back of your mind, try out simple things first: Can you please hand me water? Can I request you to please hold this bag, while I park my bike? etc. etc. Try and chose a good potential candidate. Take rebuffs in your stride. And again try. Think of this as a social skill, you need to master. And give it back too.
2. This sounds like unconscious bouncing. Be more conscious and try couple of more bounces, before finally saying the word in toto: ce- ce- ce- CEMENT. This too will come by practice. Start with easy words, people and situations. Gradually increase the level of difficulty...(Try on phone with 22 other participants of the Comm WS.)