December 4, 2013

Hi ,

   I am facing lot of problems while saying the attendance.When my number comes i completely move my head,tightening muscles and different type facial expressions i do usually.Even while giving the presentations i struck in middle and find it difficult to speak.It varies if the faculty is so close i stammer very very badly.If faculty is little bit far it is some how ok. Stammer increase or decrease also depends on faculty.How to control these situations?help me please.......


Rajesh, Hyderabad said...
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Rajesh, Hyderabad said...

Dear Ramesh, there is no shortcut but implementing stammering at ease will make you see magic.

You can also follow some techniques like voluntary stuttering, slow speaking which will make you less reactive to stammering.
In your mentioned case i guess you shall follow visualization technique. You need to sit in a calm place with eyes closed. Try to imagine your classroom environment where your teacher is trying to take attendance or roll call. Imagine everything is happening before you. The more clearer the picture of visualization, better the results you shall reap.
Slowly imagine that your turn is coming while your classmates are replying one by one and finally at your turn you stood up and said your number so boldly and at that same time your faculty has also looked at you and shook his/her head in response for your roll call response.
And important thing is feel happy in the visualization technique in your practice thinking that you have done your best. The feeling good factor will sustain you in real situation facing.
Apart from all these when you are really in the scene please don't forget about breathing enough air in lungs before you stand up or shout out your roll call.
Try to close eyes for few times and imagine only the scene which you visualized of you shouting out your number and then open eyes when your turn is about to come and just give your best.
Shouting loudly your number can also help you.
Experiment with all the mentioned ways and please cross check which is working for you.
Please share about your views in this blog after trying.
Regards !

प्रभु ! कृपा हि केवलम् said...

Q 1 : what should a PWS should do -when he has to face daily UNCOMFORT ZONE, like answering the roll call in class daily and stammers. Daily in front of whole class he stammers, daily he feels-shame,fear, guilt. will he not loose sel confidence in himself?

Ans: He should take a print out of Item nine on this link (Instructions for Teachers), give it to the Class Teacher, along with an application, requesting that his attendance should be recorded on visual basis, ie. the teacher should look up and the student should just raise the hand OR they should work out some other/ alternative arrangement.
PLUS- he should attend 3 - 4 Comm WS and or SHG.

Manimaran said...

I am agreeing with Rajesh which is called "Positive Imagining" or "Positive Visualization". It will be a tough one in the initial stages, but if you succeed in practicing, it is a long lasting effects. No harm in trying. Have a go!

Vinay said...

I hv not faced much prblm in school days. but later in college, I started getting block while answering roll call. Sometimes, I askd my frnd to answer for me. Instead of Yes Sir, I tried saying Just Sir. I noticed when I wait for my turn then chances of getting block was more. On few occasions, I was busy with something, thn suddenly my name was called, I was able to answer my roll call.
Anyway, after sometime, I gained confidence and was able to answer Roll call. Dont think that Block aayega. Develop confidence :-)

Dinesh said...

If possible, shift to first bench.
There you can just stand during roll call. Gradually move to 2nd, 3rd and finally last bench.
Also remember you have many choices to answer, for example:
1) Sir
2) Yes Sir
3) Present Sir
4) Yes

During attendance, observe each class mate, every one's style is different. Some never speak, some are loud, some are soft, some just wave their hand and some just stand and sit down. Limited choices puts lot of pressure.