November 11, 2013

Krissh 3

Is there anyone out there, who can see Krissh 3 and write a review here?
Let us say, we will have a selection of the best review- and the award will be.. shall I say?.. Chance to act in Krissh 4, with our beloved hero, Hritik!! Run, run to the theatre!


Ashish Agarwal said...

Doc, listen,,,will the winner really got to act in Krissh 4?

Tell me please, i will not disclose it to anyone.



Satyendra said...

Yesss- because TISA is planning to finance Krissh 4..
We will start fund raising soon..
You better start going to gym- and yes, take some flying lessons too..

subodh singh said...

ha ha ha.......very nice chance.... I don't want to miss i watched it in cinema my view this part is less romantic then krrish 2.....Krissh 2 used more nature scenes....but i like it very much.....thanx dubbu..... :)

Unknown said...

Not as per our expectation...N Dialogues,less impressive presentation,Scenes copied from other movies,Weak story..Action schenes were good..acting of hritik superb,conceptual mistakes ..that all about krish 3