This is true for many of us. A simple
solution is: Instead of saying it, imagine, you are writing it;
wherever you use a punctuation mark (comma, hiphen, colon, semi colon
etcetera) – THAT is the place where you should stop and breathe and
then carry one (while maintaining a normal eye contact). These are
the points which often represent a natural break, a point where one
thought is ending and a new one is beginning. Example:
I took a two year break not because I did not get an offer but because I thought doing MBA at this point in life will be easier than trying to do it later in life..
Imagine saying this with a break after
every line – with smile and eye contact- like this:
I took a two year break.
This was not because I did not get
In fact I wanted to do MBA.
It was easy to do it now than later.
Smaller direct sentences not only help
you- by giving you a chance to breathe- but they also help your
listener my making processing of new information easier for them. Try
this out in your next speech in your self help group!
Is stammering hereditary? Please
explain in short.
Yes, in about 50% (or more) of cases-
as per the current knowledge. But the transmission of this trait is
not regular and predictable. Quite often, the eldest son and the
youngest son may stammer. The middle ones and daughters may not
stammer. But no hard and fast rules. Check these two links for more
info: Ehud
Yairy, Dennis
But this should not mean “the end of
the road”. There are possibilities of genetic engineering in
future. Also, as we discussed earlier, stammering among adults
consists of 95% or more, of psychological issues, which can be
successfully dealt with. This is as good a cure as any. Secondly, a
fear often unstated: what about my children- will they inherit my
stammering? Cant be predicted but IF they did, why fear? They too
will learn to deal with it, as we have done, successfully. IF YOU and
I work hard, we can definitely make the world a little bit more
sensitive and accepting for the next generation of X men and X women!
What can be a good technique to slow
down the speed of talking?
If we realize that tongue does not move
on its own- but is moved by our mind, then we will understand that
stammering, for many of us is a mind game. There are bound to be MORE
than ONE, ways of winning this mind game. Find out, why are you
speaking fast? Are you running away from something- some feared
moment? Some chance event – like a block? Or the fear that I may
be found out for who I really am, inside, a stammerer?
For dealing with such deep fears and
phobias- a best technique is to join a SHG where members are
regularly challenged by activities like “Metro challenge”, which
many of you took up during this NC. Bouncing, prolongation, pausing,
Voluntary stammering- all these techniques are helpful by slowing you
down - and can be learned and practiced in SHG. Vipassana or any
other form of regular meditation can also help, by slowing our
thoughts and making us more aware of our inner motivations. Many
people do not persist, because they do not find a supportive
environment. So, start a SHG or a meditator's group or anything which
helps you.
these questions and there answers are great resource. thanks, Dr. Sachin for answering them. i also vary for gen-x but now i am relaxed and totally agree with Sachin's Answer.
Sachin - want to elaborate on 50% statement made by you. As per my understanding 50% pws have a genetic link in form of some sort of close relative. 50% is not the chance that ones offspring is cws if one is pws. The latter proposition/interpretation is quite scary for any pws.
Sachin - want to elaborate on 50% statement made by you. As per my understanding 50% pws have a genetic link in form of some sort of close relative. 50% is not the chance that ones offspring is cws if one is pws. The latter proposition/interpretation is quite scary for any pws.
Yes, Raja, you are right. It is very difficult to predict the transmission in next generation..
Dear Sir, these answers are gems of wisdom for any PWS. After coming in contact with tisa, I have also felt that we are like x-men/women.I found my thought being expressed through your blog's image :)
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