August 23, 2012

Volunteers for Samvad

The Editorial Team for TISA newsletter Samvad is looking for volunteers to work with them to help come out with editions. Following is requirement-

1 volunteer for English editions
1 volunteer for Hindi editions. 

The role of volunteer will be to help the editorial team with the presentation and compiling the content into final and presentable documents. The edited content, pictures and all other information would be passed on, and the volunteers would be required to put it in the layout. 

Volunteers should be comfortable working with MS Office (Word preferrably). Volunteer should also be able to translate from English to Hindi (For Hindi issues, to translate some good english articles on Blog and publish). 

Anybody willing to volunteer may write to: info[at] or editor[at]

Samvad is looking forward to team up with you to deliver better quality issues. 


Dhruva Kathuria said...

hey,I would really like to be the volunteer for english...I am prepping for GMAT...and this would be good practice

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for samvaad...working as an english teacher in Punjab Govt. :Eight Zero Five Four Five Eight Zero Nine Three Zero