January 29, 2012


Time 3.00 AM
Don’t know why, just aise hi, was searching something and opened pics of National conference, Hell yaar I am missing those days, I am missing all friends that were with me in the NC. Some of my friends said that I have gained a lot of confidence and have been stuttering less after coming from NC. I don’t know is it in reality or not but I just know one thing, those days were great, in fact awesome. I am just planning to give my exams and to get pass too so that I can attend as many workshops I want. Also to relive those NC days again. I don’t know what I am writing, seriously but it’s just I felt that I should share this feeling with all of you. I have attended 2 self help meetings too after coming from Bhubaneswar and meeting 3 more new people was also a great experience in meeting(expanding social circle lolz). So that’s it. J)

P.S. I am still wearing that NC band in my hand “STUTTER LIKE A ROCKSTAR” like a one in my heart “HAKLAO MAGAR PYAR SE”.


Satyendra said...

Normally, we dont like to share personal feelings- So, it must have taken some courage. Once we do so- we feel better- because, whatever we may say or believe, we are SOCIAL animals!
Yes, NC was a beautiful feeling. At emotional lever it was very healing. At speech level too, many of us learned a lot from each other- and a lot from Elaine and Dr Mahapatra..
Thanks Sumit for sharing! (Thanks a lot to your parents too, since they too came to Bhubaneshwar!)

romi said...

Well Sumeet well said and kakke New year was awesum.V were awake stil 4 in d morning and yaar stammering is not a big issue.Sachin sir your simply awesome i mean you have always been motivation and helpful in every situation.Stammerng has given me the confidence and the ability to grow further in life.All stammerers are intelligent so i feel stammering is a helpful thing given to us.

lalit said...

good summit, like u nc was my trip i had ever made ..wounder full place,wounder full people...and i too wearing that band ...and i found ur post post interesting because u have written this from ur heart..keep writting

Er. Umesh said...

NC will remain an unforgettable trip for all of us ever!! Thanks sumit for remembering those moments again..