Dear friends,
Recently in first week of November I completed 10 days Vipassana course from Dehradun centre. As it is not possible to elaborate the details of meditation, because that can only be experienced. I am writing a brief write up on Vipassana with a strong personal recommendation to all PWS to undertake the course. I personally have benefited a lot by the first course and belief that others can also benefit from the same.
First of all it is very important to make it very clear that Vipassana is not for curing illness or disorders. This is a science to experience the reality about oneself. It is a process of purification of mind. As the mind is cleansed of defilements, various somatic or bodily manifestations of disease, due to defilements in the psyche, disappear or are alleviated as a by-product .Hence though Vipassana is not a remedy for disease, yet it is a “cure-all”..
Vipassana means “to see things as they really are” .From time to time, we all experience agitation, frustration and disharmony. When we suffer, we do not keep our miseries limited to ourselves, but we distribute it to others. Certainly this is not a proper way to live.
There are 3 steps in the course. First, students undertake precepts refraining from actions which causes harm. This allows the mind to calm down sufficiently . Second, for the first three and a half days, students practice focusing attention on the breath. This practice helps to develop control over the unruly mind. The third step, undertaken for the last six and a half days, is the practice of Vipassana. One penetrates into one’s entire physical and mental structure with the clarity of inside.
.The technique of Vipassana is a path leading to freedom from all suffering, it eradicates the craving, aversion and ignorance which are responsible for our miseries. Vipassana has the capacity to transform the human mind and character. I recommend all of you to spare 10 days of your life. It teaches how to live peacefully and harmoniously within, and how to generate only peace and harmony for others.
I am grateful to Dr. Sachin who recommended Vipassana to me.
May all BE HAPPY.
Jasbir sandhu,
Mob 99150 06377
Its good course but practically living by de-attaching ourself from the things happening around is difficult.
congrats jasbir sir for completing basic course....i think vipassan is the best gift what we got from our stammering .
yes- any meditative technique has lots to offer- but yes, it needs long term commitment, which is true of every worthwhile art or pursuit.. singing, dance, martial arts..Hope many more people will tap the hidden potential of Vipassana, Brahmavidya and our cultural strengths/ traditions in 2012..
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