August 8, 2011

The role of Brain - Probability & Consequence

Stuttering Jack ( have explained about 2 fundamental credentials namely, Probability & Consequence which composes mostly of the mind share towards stammering.

Every stammerer combined with the particular speaking situation can be given ratings out of 10 for both probability & consequence.The multiply of these will give the mind share of someone's stammering out of 100.

Let's have a brief about them separately :

1.) Probablity - Suppose a stutterer is needed to speak in a particular situation.His brain will observe the situation & rate it out of 10 in fractions of seconds, even sometimes without letting the stutterer even noticing it.

For example, 0 for a situation where he would be confident of speaking with stuttering at all & 9 for a situation where he would be sure to experience a lengthy block.

2.) Consequences - This time, his brain would figure the various consequences of stuttering at that situation.Here also, rating would be given on a scale of 0 to 10.If stammerer feels comfortable that stammering would not cost his any personal/professional/social harm at all, then his brain would rate it zero.A high rating of 7,8, or 9 would be given if his brain considered stuttering at that situation as very undesired or trouble some.

So if Probablity rating is 5 & consequences rating is 6, the product would be 30 out of 100.

Here again, we can figure out the psychological aspect of stuttering & confirm the effectiveness of various spiritual approaches.


Satyendra said...

Yes. Spiritual approaches help. But they dont "cure" the basic biological (which is small in any case) component of dysfluency.. In other words- you stop worrying too much about it.. and yes, as an overall effect, your communication does improve..
Good write up..

Er. Umesh said...

very good write up ashish. good mathematical approach to understand this dilemma.