March 8, 2011

Chandigarh Shg meet #12 on 6 March 2011

Though the meet was scheduled to start on 2 pm J.P. sir and I(Dhruva) arrived 20 minutes earlier as I wanted to discuss the book The Power Of Now with him.I had some doubts in my mind which he patiently explained to me.I also recommend the book to everyone,its a worth a read.Then at 2 pm Ishan and Jasbir sir arrived and we started the meet.It was started by the usual laughter session,it was the first time I actually started laughing while performing the session.Then,I invited Jasbir sir to speak on the theme of the day.He talked about the need to Stutter Smartly.He explained that if a block comes,instead of forcing through it(which I do a lot) we should try and stutter in a relaxed manner.Then J.P. sir (who was the table topic master) gave each of us topics on which we had to speak from 3-4 minutes.Even if one had nothing to say,he could just could stay silent ,but everyone had to stand for atleast 3 minutes(though everyone spoke really well throughout the three minutes).Then,we started or 15 minute long meditation(I know we should have done it earlier but as a first time co-ordinator I am allowed some mistakes :-0) Then we started our general discussions and J.P. sir even showed us a clip from the movie TKS.We then went to a nearby restaurant called "Khal Belly" and had refreshments.After that Jasbir sir left and we three took a walk in a nearby park.We had lots of discussions and each of us even practiced voluntary stuttering with the crowd.
We also discussed about the changes we need to undertake for our next SHG meet which J.P. sir will be discussing further.

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Dhruva- Great!
You will be develioping initiative, lateral thinking and facilitation skills, if you can run CHG SHG just like this.. These skills are not taught by any university- but expected by EVERY employer..
So, stick with it, learn, practice and help others in the process..
And above all, you develop documentation skills..