October 25, 2010

Humiliating portrayal of stammerers in Hindi movie - Golmal 3


Today morning while having breakfast at home, I saw a promo of a forthcoming Hindi movie – Golmal 3.This promo portrayed stutterers in a very bad light, like they are dim-wits of people with less intelligence.

I consider myself quite thick-skinned and am not usually offended. But this propose was plain tasteless and offensive. I would be very uncomfortable if I watch it with my kids. What they will think about me?

These kind of trashy movies aren’t my scene and I haven’t seen any movies from this director; but my wife tols me that this director has a history of making fun of people’s handicaps. In his earlier movies, he had used a blind couple and a guy who cannot speak as props.

We cannot let this go on forever. Somewhere we will have to take a stand, and put a stop to this kind of crap. I talked to Sachin and we have decided to go against it full throttle. We want to make an example of it – not only to this movie-maker but to everybody. That we cannot and will not be shoved around.

We have decided to file a petition against the movie in Nainital high-court (TISA is registered in Uttarakhand); and will also be running online campaigns to raise awareness about stuttering and how Golmal 3 is making fun of it. We have the following in mind –

1. Petition in Nainital High Court – Sachin will be doing it.
2. Online petition to sensor board, Ministry of I&B, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – JP will drive it. But he will need your help init. We need as many people to sign it as we can. We are looking at 40-50K kind of numbers. Please spread it amongst your friends and colleagues and ask them to sign it.
3. Post about it on as many online forums as we can – Pawas, can you help us here?
4. Contact influential media houses, movie reviewers. Ask them to write about how this movie is crass and tasteless in its portrayal of PWS – Kiran, we need your help here.

I will be coordinating and channelizing the whole efforts.

If you guys can think of anything else, please suggest. The idea is to generate as much noise as we can.

Also we will need some money for the high-court petition. Please donate.

All of us have been made fun of at some time or the other due to our speech; let’s put a stop to this.




Satyendra said...

Thanks Nitin. We are on right track..at last!

Manohar said...

finally, the AWAKENING !
i am so glad that someone is going to stand for the human dignity. Let us know where/how can we pitch in !
(monetary contribution is the least i could do)

Keith Boss said...

Is there an English translation available for this trailer? If so, can we see it and I will ask the BSA /ISA if they want to get involved. Please email me so your response gets my attention quickly. On a better note, have you seen the trailer of 'The King's Speech'? It looks to be a very good film (http://www.stutterisa.org/index.html). Keith

rahul raut dessai said...

As a young pws if feel it is too early to comment on the movie.
let us first see the movie which is releasing on november 5.
maybe they have shown some good emotions related to stammering which will help in creating awarness.

romi said...

Screw d movie........Let TISA b d judge of tis movie n incase emotions r nt gud thn jus screw d director.This director has d hobby of makin fun of handicapped peoplen yes Sachin Sir v r always wid u jus b d leader n v wil b ur followers.

kishore said...

I saw the teaser trailer of movie “Golmaal 3” and without doubt as a person who stammer/stutter it very humiliating for me. Either its release should be stop or all scenes depicting mocking of disability (stammering and mutism) should remove. As a community we all are standing tall against such movies and strongly condemn it.