(above: 1. Bouncing in the food court- acts as appetizer! 2,3: impromptu presentations: we need to read widely to enrich our content; 3: Pass the pillow game to get feedback randomly.)
We began the day with a guided meditation (on breath). Next, random recap and feedback by throwing a paper-box around- a session conducted by JP. Some videos were shown there after: Graceful stammering demonstrated by Tavinda (PSA) and courageous forward moving speech by a young girl on a stage.. We discussed these videos.
Next we divided in two random groups for intensive practice of bouncing, prolongation, pausing, vol.stuttering, belly breathing. Sholay (the popular movie from seventies) was retold many times..
Before going for lunch, we assigned speech buddies. Over the lunch, we interacted with other people in food court and practiced our skills. Some of us had great experineces and some had funny experiences! But on the whole we all learned something- especially during the subsequent debriefing.
After lunch, some more videos and then a round of impromptu speeches, which were video-graphed. Later we reviewed the recordings and participants shared their feelings and observations. Everyone was suitably impressed by themselves! Most had seen themselves talking on the huge screen for the first time! Most were able to point out there secondaries correctly. We discussed what can be done about the secondaries (from the Self-help book from Malcolm Fraser).
We parted on a happy note: sharing hilarious one liners, before dispersing..
Most participants plan to visit sachin for 121 counseling during the week days. JP started planning the next weekend..
My Name is Romi Singh Arora n i reside in Mumbai.I came 2 Pune to attend the workshop conducted on stammering by Mr.Sachin Srivastav and JaiPraskash Sunda.SHG is a Confidence Booster for Stammers.After attending the 2day worshop My Confidence is high n i can stammer wid ease now.The workshop has been a wonderful expereince n i got the chance 2 enhance my stammering skills wid the help of bouncing and prolongation n also voluntary stuttering.I m also lukin forward 2 follow footsteps of JAI Prakash n Sachin Srivastav and also planning to do PHD IN STAMMERING nw n tht wuld b done only if i accept my stammering in front of every1.
good to know you Romi. wishing you luck :)
Very noble thoughts Romi.Good luck to you.
The communication workshop conducted by TISA (The Indian Stammering Association) on saturday-sunday at infosys was very interesting and illuminating experience for me.
We learnt so may aspects of stuttering, the techniques which can be used to good effect when you communicate like bouncing, pausing, prolongation, voluntary stuttering and so on & so forth. The presentation round and approaching strangers and using the techniques while asking for their feedback on PWS was a very nice experience for me as well.
Looking forward to next 3 days of workshop which will be conducted this friday-sunday.
TISA workshops getting better and biger with every new workshop.
I know romi's words are very genuine. It's a very heavenly feeling when you meet a no of PWS and you spend time with them.
Keep rocking guys..:)
FEW Months back I wanted 2 gt rid of Stammering and to cure it and I was ready 2 spend Handsome amount of money on it but after understanding the depth of Stammering i Feel if i wuld had nt stammered I wuld had nt gt d chance to bring out the Positive skills in me like meeting the INFOYS GANG,thn goin out of town alone,takin the intiative 2 participate in activities,facing fear n acceptance of wht i m..
Sanjeet and Jai Prakash were d masters of stammering n wid their experience they guided us d rite way.
(1)Sanjeet was a master in making Eye contact.
(2)Jai Prakash was a master in bringing out Speech Techniques.
(3)Rupesh was a master in bringing out tradiotanal and western ideas.
(4)Raahil was a master in prolonging words in a singing manner.
(5)Bhaskar was a master in making a sound of 'haa'.
(6)Anshul was a master in bringing out new ideas.
(7)Gaurish was a master in sharing his experiences abt stammering wid others.
(8)Mahesh was excellent wid his speech techniques n south indian luks.
(9)Manohar was vry gud in smilin n explaining things.
(10)Vivek was excellent in sharing his thoughts abt d lifestyle n making us laugh alot n also in blinking eyes.
(11)Devang was vry gud in completing his sentences.
(12)Sunny will surely be a vry gud husband as he seems 2 b vry understanding.
(13)Sujit was vry good in being calm and was vry helpful.
(14)Romi became a master of such things mentioned above by following such ppl.
(15)Last but nt d least Sachin gt a chance 2 meet such ppl n v r also happy 2 meet him and he shuld keep getting some more ideas so tht v culd learn n accept thm.
Romi, that's hardwork (perhaps hard-thinking you did above ;), thanks though!
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