April 27, 2016

Acceptance: a shock absorber

             It has been about three years since I accepted acceptance as a technique to manage my stammering mindset. Yesterday I had been to a motorcycle dealer to buy spare parts. I stammered on almost every word with two different people while saying names of items.

            I got my work done even while stammering. Feelings like shock, shame and helplessness after stammering moments last for lesser duration now. While a few years ago, similar experience would have left me feeling low for hours/days together, just a  few minutes after yesterday’s stammering experience, I found myself talking calmly to people.

                We know that we feel a lot of jerks while riding bike on bad roads. But if the shock absorber is good , we feel the jerks less .So, just as a shock absorber nullifies the jerks while riding on a bad road, acceptance has helped me to manage well my after-feelings of stammering moments.


jasbir singh said...

Once upon a time there was a little boy who stammered. As he grew up, he continued to stammer with pain and misery, until one fine morning he realised it was Okay to stammer.After that his life changed.
That little boy is hidden in all of us. The sooner we realise, early the progress.
Happy stammering.
Have a nice day.

Satyendra said...

Great parallels- great metaphor!
Keep riding your BIKE!

Sudheendran said...

The sentence "I got my work done even while stammering. Feelings like shock, shame and helplessness after stammering moments last for lesser duration now." summarizes acceptance in a nutshell. It helps us in dealing with our emotions and helps in removing the shame of stammering. A good write up.