January 5, 2015

Kolkata SHG meet writeup

Hello Everybody!

             Happy New Year, and Best wishes for the coming year.

Kolkata had an SHG meet (actually two) yesterday, on January the 4th. Attendance was healthy taking into account the discontinuity in between.

Total of 10 people were split into two groups, following a clash of ideologies(!) So damn unfortunate. Our group stuck to TISA’s core principles of freedom to speak in any manner one wants, not adhering to any one specific technique and the SHG meet acting as a platform to shed ones emotional baggage.

No fixed agenda was followed, as this meet was being held after quite a while. General discussions took place on stammering, what problems each of the members face in general and solutions to the same.

One new member Rupak, has done extensive research on Stammering as a Disability, and wants to pursue this matter further. Stammering is actually recognized as a disability in many countries. Can any other member get in touch with him regarding the same?
Let us hope in the coming new year, Kolkata SHG at least builds a base.

Ps: On a personal note, One of my New Year Resolution is to be able to give a Toastmaster talk by the end of year. Wish me luck people!!

         [Members:  Atreyeedi,  Sudipto, Rupak, Prasenjitda, Prasenjida’s sister, and the Macho man! J ]


Satyendra said...

Thanks Kushal! I am sure you will deal with TM assignment before the year end- I am sure. I know one TM branch, which is being headed by a PWS, a friend. We have our sleeper cells in all these organizations. You will get support from unexpected corners!
And yes, facilitating a group of pws does require a macho men! Dont I know that! Anyway, jokes apart, TISA extends sincere welcome to all the participants..

Sudipto said...

This was really an interesting meetup. There was differences in ways n means but thankfully it did not upset the whole setup. Definitely we would like to march together in future meetings . Hope everybody would understand our point of view and co-relate. Got some imp ideas n contacts that i am going for.
Kushal da get a date booked at uttarpara soon !

Toastmaster talk (panting) would like to give a shot soon !