February 6, 2013

To start voluntary stuttering with hard alphabets.....It is wrong!!

From last 1 and half years, i am in contact with TISA. Trying to work on my acceptance level towards stammering and exploring various techniques to deal with it as - bouncing,prolongation,pausing etc.

But in a true way, i am only trying bouncing as i always thinks that by this technique we are increasing our acceptance level too towards stammering.

As it is clearly mentioned in TISA self help manual and also i read over internet a number of times that voluntary stammering as well as bouncing should be done at non feared words only and never be tried at hard words, atleast during initial stages.

But, as i have a low level of patience, so i just tried to bounce as well as voluntarily stammer as hard words from the very start just to counter the fear head on.But, it didn't work!!

I tried a few number of times, and every time it didn't work.So, now after trying and non succeeding, i can say that YES, bouncing and voluntary stammering should be tried from non feared words/alphabets initially.

Hope, fellow TISA members will be benefited from this my observation.

As far as i am concerned, i am trying to bounce on non feared words and also try some prolongation as some times, bouncing just don't work.

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Yes, Ashsish. You should increase the level of difficulties very slowly. And if you fail, you should simply go back couple of steps and start again.. For example, one should practice prolongation/ bouncing for some months in different situations- then, proceed to block corrections and only then, may be after 7-8 months of regular practice, try out VolStut.. Having a coach or a group always helps, at least initially.. Honest feedback like this is always welcome..