As I was talking with Leys,the chairperson of The BSA,I asked him about the blogs and forums could post the NC on,his reply was :-
I think you know them all, Dhruva: Facebook has at least five and there is STUTT-L, Stuttering Chat, The Stuttering Brain and a lot of other more personal ones. Searching will probably find you a few more, but I'm sure you've done that. But I think, in your reports, you need to describe the conditions for stammerers in India, what you are trying to achieve with your conferences and what you think the first one achieved. Otherwise readers have no context in which to judge the significance of what you have done and so there cannot be informed discussion.
I do agree with Leys that instead of just putting links about the Nc,we should get together and make a draft incorporating all the points he thinks are worthy of mentioning.What are your thoughts about this ????
I think you know them all, Dhruva: Facebook has at least five and there is STUTT-L, Stuttering Chat, The Stuttering Brain and a lot of other more personal ones. Searching will probably find you a few more, but I'm sure you've done that. But I think, in your reports, you need to describe the conditions for stammerers in India, what you are trying to achieve with your conferences and what you think the first one achieved. Otherwise readers have no context in which to judge the significance of what you have done and so there cannot be informed discussion.
I do agree with Leys that instead of just putting links about the Nc,we should get together and make a draft incorporating all the points he thinks are worthy of mentioning.What are your thoughts about this ????
Yes.. point taken
nice dhruv... so innovative
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