I called up Dr Sachin this morning to discuss the schedule for Delhi workshop. As it turned out, he was facing another IT challenge. To me, it seems like he is facing more challenges in IT than in communication!! I agreed to help him and we planned a voice chat on gtalk along with a simultaneous session on teamviewer.
As I was guiding him around, instructing him to try out a few things (while watching him perform them :-), I was finding it a bit challenging and at the same time a lot of fun to first decide the probable sequence of steps that may solve the problem and then articulate in a way that he will understand and if it doesn't work then try again with a new approach.
Even though we were not able to completely solve the problem; at the end I requested him to contact me in case of any IT related issues and I would be more than happy to help him over, as I found it a bit challenging and exciting. And I plan to offer free IT troubleshooting with prior appointments from here on!
Think about it - you may also offer similar services and will get a chance to work on your communication in a REAL situation while helping someone out. It could be anything ranging from career counselling, Tax consultancy, helping people buy an automobile or just lending an ear as counsellor. I will try to create a page on this blog where you will be able to post the services that you offer along with you contact details. If you plan to use this as a speech therapy exercise or to expand your comfort zone, please send an email to - info(at_the_rate_of)stammer.in and we will add your details to it!
Yes, JP- as stammerers, both of us are supposed to be in top quintiles, where Intelligence is concerned. And this morning we proved it!
We had lot of fun.
Put me on your page- I will offer on line detailed instructions through Team Viewer of course, as to
1. how to download Win 8 and crack it
2. how to de-fuse a Nuclear IED..
3. How to retrofit a liquid fuel propeller in your 5 yr old 100 cc bike..
and more!
Sir, Its a great idea. put me too in the list
I can provide the following
1.Tax consultancy
2.Company law matters
3.Accounting and auditing matters
gr8 idea sir ji! put me too. i can provide the following things
1. How to write the programming codes for languages?
2. Window troubleshooting.
3. How to start talk with a girl?
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