March 14, 2011

Talk The Walk (TTW trek)

TISA offers a 10 day trek with sachin (tentativly it would be around May end) : Hanuman Chatti to Dodital (Yamuna to Ganga valley) in the first week of May. It is meant for those IPWS who are physically fit and have some experience of trekking / camping. We will be crossing a ridge at 12,500 feet with ten kg backpack. We will be doing self cooking and..
AND we will be exploring communication by discussing a theme from Van Riper, Sheehan etc. every day. At the end of the trek we will be giving a slide presentation about trek to a group of young people from the Herbertpur Christian Hospital (sachin's neighbors and friends). Hence the title: Talk the walk!
Optimum number of participants is 8 (6 excluding sachin and JP). You have to register by sending a DD to JP for Rs 7000/- only (a tentative figure). This will be refundable (90%) till 25th April (in case you cancel!)

Here are some links about treks organised by sachin in past, to help you understand the difficulties involved and the rewards:


Dr Sachin ( )

JP ( )

1 comment:

Manohar said...

good luck to you Jp, wish you a safe trek !