March 30, 2009

Pune Self Help Group Meeting

Pune Self help group met on 29 march 2009. We started with slow reading with pauses after every four or five words to get our breathing normal and feel relaxed. Then we continued with introductions with the same rule as last time i.e. after introducing oneself, one is also required to introduce the person who gave his introduction before him (we have only male members as of now :( ), so that we listen carefully & don't start thinking about our turn to speak. Then everyone spoke for around 5 minutes on any topic of their choice, catch being everybody was required to speak for full five minutes (you may take long pauses or you may even sing a song to fill up the time). And really...... Rupesh sang a beautiful song ( This man is a terrific singer, any music director listening!!!!). We also gave feedback about each other. We had discussions on various topics & also shared some funny incidents from our lives. We concluded with impromptu speech. Each one of us was required to speak for five minutes on a topic give by someone else.

We never thought, it would be so much fun & we are enjoying it!!!

People in pic (left to right): Jai, Sanjeet, Rupesh and Prasad. (Pravin couldn’t join as he was out of town)


Jai Prakash Sunda

Mb No:9271205627

P.S : If you are a person who stammer or know someone who stammer, please feel free to contact us.

1 comment:

Satyendra said...

Guys- you all are doing well. But we must keep an eye out for even women who may stammer.. Yes, they too suffer as much as anybody else, if not more because of this communication problem..